muses_inthesack -- Refamiliarize Yourself (49 tag challenge)

Jan 17, 2008 23:53

Even for one such as Reinette, accustomed to days filled to beyond capacity and activities planed months if not years in advance? It would be in no way an understatement to suggest that the past month had been eventful. A lone bag packed could in no way prepare one for stars and skies, and the adventures they contained. Her first pair of sensible shoes already well worn through. She was exhausted, but again in a way they she had never precisely experienced.

The Doctor had done his best to heal the various aches and hurts that had not been packed within Reinette's bag, yet had traveled with her all the same. Several trips to the infirmary had followed their first, initial interaction there. And after each visit, something else seemed restored to her.

Previously Reinette had possessed a certain resentment of sleep, and her bed. It was where, in the more recent years, she had been forced to spend near half of every week, and a good part of every day besides. It was a place for fitful resting, bit never sleeping. For bleedings and headaches and exhaustion. But all those things left her, and soon Reinette was left with nothing but sleep.

Blissful, enchanting seductive sleep. The feel of silk sheets above and below her, cradling her skin. The light over her fireplace caught the champagne glow and her skin reflected back the contentment she felt. Feather beds and pillows were a welcome respite from adventuring, grand thing that it was. The TARDIS itself seemed to provide the mere hint of moving air, the soft hiss of breath expended.

Sleep, in all its simple perfection. Reinette lost herself to the rediscovered joy.
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