Well, it was a cheap 15" LCD from about a year ago, back when cheap LCDs were super shitty. It wouldn't really stay on, and eventually it just died. I think there was something wrong with the power, it may have been shorted by one of those blackouts last year.
The 14" was/is hell. It was kind of ridiculous for me as the only CS major on my floor to have the hands-down shittiest monitor.
Comments 9
<3 NewEgg
How did your last LCD break?
I'm so excited! YAY for new monitors!
The 14" was/is hell. It was kind of ridiculous for me as the only CS major on my floor to have the hands-down shittiest monitor.
I'm gonna get mine today! YESSS!
Also upgrading from a 17" CRT.
Now that I have it though, I wonder if it made sense to get a widescreen (since a regular one of the same diameter seems so much bigger!)
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