Title: Miles to Go
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Graverobber/Amber
Rating: R
Word Count: 451
Summary: "It's raining, and I'm thinking about being out there, in an alley."
Warnings: Sex. And nostalgia.
It's been a long time, and I'm not that girl any more... )
Comments 12
At the same time its sad because even though she's entirely in control she still empty only in a different sort of way. She tells herself its lust she longs for, but when you read between the lines its clear she wants so much more. She just does not know how to put a name to it.
I think, to a certain extent, that longing for how easy it was - even when you know it was bad - is one of the hardest parts of recovering from addiction.
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"Because I'm happy and fulfilled and I have no business being lonely." oh god yes.
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Graverobber/Amber is one of my favorite pairings, and one I don't write nearly often enough. I should work on that.
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