so that was christmas

Dec 25, 2016 22:13

This year, for the first time, N and I had our own Christmas tree! In the last year that we lived in London, it felt like I ran constantly into gorgeous tree ornaments that I couldn't possibly resist buying (quite likely because I wanted to bring as much of London with me as possible), and so we needed a tree. And since we're considering getting ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

spikedluv December 27 2016, 20:08:58 UTC
I love that tree! It looks so full and lush. Though I can imagine that making it fit was a real pain in the arse.

Adult coloring books are 'in' here in the US now, so your mom was pretty current with her gift. *g*

Oh, yeah, something like that can really toe the line of 'what are they trying to say with that gift?!!' I'm glad you got some neat sauna 'accessories'.


ambersnake January 1 2017, 19:26:04 UTC
Right? I love our tree! We'll have to get one of these next time as well, if there will be one. I'm sort of worried about getting rid of it, though. Maybe we'll just toss it off the balcony in the dark of night and pretend it's not ours. *g*

Oh yeah, the colouring books do seem to be gaining traction here as well, and apparently some people find them very soothing. I might need that after my mother-in-law's gift ;) Seriously, though, she came over on New Year's Eve and was really excited about me joining her for some classes, so I'm sure her intention were pure, but like you said, very toeing the line nonetheless!


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