(no subject)

Aug 02, 2006 14:09

Koala, this is for YOOOO-ALL for you. (^_^) I should definitely warn you though-I don't have normal icon-making equipment(i.e., an odd little thing called Photoshop) so when I do icons I usually first find a very high quality picture on the web and then go through a simple but convoluted process you really don't want to know about.  In other words, I don't do that well with screencaps-some of them I couldn't do at all, they just turned out too blurry and with the ones I did make I had problems with light in wierd places(like, on the pavement under their hands which messes it up) But, such as they are, here are some Anna Magdalena and Takeshi icons for you.

The guitar one was lovely but it was just too blurry, sorry. and Takeshi is CUTE! I'll have to watch this movie. Oh, yeah, and I'm sorry too-I can't do text. Still, hope this pleases you, oh-koala-of-australia.
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