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Comments 140

esper_flight November 28 2009, 06:21:51 UTC
[After learning of the portal aftermath, Terra's no longer interested in watching people enter it. Instead, she wanders the town, looking for those who have returned. It doesn't take her long to find one, and she heads in the direction of the chirping.]


amber_arcangel November 28 2009, 13:58:59 UTC
[Kohaku isn't paying much attention to anybody at the moment. She's too busy talking chirping to herself, and crying.]


esper_flight November 28 2009, 20:14:31 UTC
[It's hard to ignore someone in pain, and though she's baffled at the chirping noises, she doesn't move away.]



amber_arcangel November 28 2009, 20:19:17 UTC
[Kohaku gives a surprised squeak, and turns to look at her.]


[Action] goldenglasses November 28 2009, 12:32:56 UTC
K-kohaku! [Vash is coming over to check on you]


[Action] amber_arcangel November 28 2009, 14:00:59 UTC
[Sorry Vash, she's too busy freaking out to hear you. Please try again.


[Action] goldenglasses November 29 2009, 01:21:33 UTC
[He waves his arms and shouts to try to get your attention. Can't reach you up there!]


[Action] amber_arcangel November 29 2009, 01:25:32 UTC
[The waving his arms is futile since her eyes are pretty much closed, but the shouting gets her attention, and...scares the daylights out of her. There's a freaked out squeak.]


[action] blue_velocity November 28 2009, 18:41:04 UTC
Kohaku? Hey, are you all right? [He rushed over to her now to see what happened to her, but he could probably guess, judging by her chirping.]


[action] amber_arcangel November 28 2009, 18:42:13 UTC
[All he's going to get is a distressed chirp, and more tears!]


[action] blue_velocity November 28 2009, 18:44:13 UTC
[And before she noticed he was even gone, he rushed off and had returned with a handkerchief for her.]

Whoa, hey, it's all right! You're not hurt, are you?


[action] amber_arcangel November 28 2009, 18:45:39 UTC
[A quick headshake no, and another chirp. She doesn't even notice the handkerchief.]


[action] 1week_wizard November 28 2009, 20:31:52 UTC
-Well, Kohaku, you aren't alone in your misery. In your flight you might hear the whining of a small poodle...-


[action] amber_arcangel November 28 2009, 20:35:36 UTC
[Kohaku is probably a lot more upset seeing as she was forced through. But when she stops crying long enough, she'll be trying to find out were that whining is coming from.]


[action] 1week_wizard November 29 2009, 00:57:16 UTC
-She's behind the library, and she's obviously miserable. And misery loves company. They can be miserable together.-


[action] amber_arcangel November 29 2009, 00:59:59 UTC
[That it does. Give Kohaku a few minutes to find her, and she'll float down, and just kind of stare. She's not sure if she should be happy you're still here, or sad that she can't talk either.]


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