I have different feelings about 5.22 - it was breathtaking, affecting, dramatic, and in so many aspects interesting, but my attitude towards it varies whether I consider it as only a season finale or the possible ending of Sam and Dean’s story - the entire show as Kripke has mentioned.
First of all I want to warn that this pretty much long post
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Comments 25
Lisa was brought back to the story so suddenly for it to really have been planned out from day one, or whatever. Even Adam had a sudden return.
Adam was the only major let down, for me. Sure there was some minor stuff, but that was the biggie!
But CAS LIVED! I can forgive Kripke almost anything because of that lol
And I sincerely didn't want any Michael!Dean VS Lucifer!Sam thing, but after watching 5.22 I wished it still began like that with Dean and Sam returning the control with the help of Impala.
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