Volume 23, Chapter 67

Mar 09, 2015 21:02

Hey guys! This is a little late; so sorry for the delay! At least we get a new, pretty cover, huh?

Volume 23, Chapter 67
pass: laluna
Please remember to not share our hard work on other manga aggregate sites; it's a courtesy we expect from all readers. If you'd like to share the news that we're scanlating SD, please just leave a link to our comm instead.
Please consider purchasing your own copy of this chapter's volume (or other volumes, no one's picky) to show your support for this series and/or for Sugiura-sensei in general.

We have a new cleaner! Hopefully, with this new recruit, we'll be able to clean our way through the last 5 or so volumes we have.

New question for a new release, since we got so many lovely replies last time. What other pairing, besides ChigusaxRakan, do you support? I'm basically cool with anyonexRakan, but I bet something like AkiichixHakubi would be cute, too. XD KinreixPrince is adorable as well. :D I look forward to your replies! Until April!

releases, sd volume: 23

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