
Jul 31, 2012 20:26

Hi there. I've actually been following this group for awhile, but not via my LJ account (read: I was too shy to join, and I spent half of my time on Tumblr). I'm hoping joining will enable me to get off my lazy rear and finish up half of my shrines I started. :)

I'm Aa-chan, 28, Hispanic, Pharmacy Tech by day, and website designer by night. I own Read more... )


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Comments 15

icysnowdrop August 1 2012, 01:43:59 UTC
Hey, Aa-chan, welcome to Amassment. :) Nice to see you here.

I'll just let you know that if you didn't catch the announcement a few posts down, most of our community has migrated to the forums at . You'll be more likely to get a response there and by golly we wholeheartedly welcome you there. It's just that not many of us are on LJ anymore, so its importance has diminished as a whole but the LJ community will remain online. We do want to see you around so feel free to join the boards. :)

Lots of people use PHP now because it's easier to change layouts, but you might be surprised to find out we still do code in HTML/CSS and divs. ;)


yeerk August 1 2012, 01:48:30 UTC
lol Jinx. *knocks on wood 8 times*


porom August 1 2012, 01:51:47 UTC
Didn't see it, to be honest. D: Ehe... I'll join ASAP! :D

Oh, no wonder. :O I'm so far behind the times, it's not funny. ;D


yeerk August 1 2012, 01:47:05 UTC
Welcome to Amassment! I too love FF4, so this post made me smile. I like what you have up so far!

While you're free to participate here at the LJ, we have a lot of activity going on at our forums: Feel free to join there as well!


porom August 1 2012, 01:53:34 UTC
Hurray, another FFIV lover! =D And thanks! ^___^; I love, LOVE your shrine to Edward. It was one of the things that got me to revive Melodic Solace. :)

Ooh, I'll join! ^^;


yeerk August 1 2012, 02:04:22 UTC
Aw, thank you! I'm glad it inspired you! The web needs more FF4 sites. :D And Edward is awesome, I don't care what anyone says.

I just linked Melodic Solace from Requiem. Do you accept affiliates? Want to affiliate with my Edward site?


porom August 1 2012, 02:10:27 UTC
Indeed it does. And YES he is. :) He's my favorite FF4 character, period.

omg are you kidding me? :O That'd be AWESOME! =D Yeah, I'll gladly affiliate with you! I'll put it up on MS after I eat dinner. ^^;


reikane August 1 2012, 10:56:11 UTC
Hiiii, Aa-chan! This is me, Varen~ I'm super happy you decided to join. (Omfg another Hispanic webmaster, woot!)

This is a bit OT, but would you also mind if I friend you? I didn't knew you had a LJ, haha. It's okay if you don't plan to use it that much. I just love to see what you can do!


porom August 1 2012, 17:32:44 UTC
Hey!! =D ( And YESS! )

I don't mind in the slightest! ^_^; I'll friend you back~


turkmikari August 1 2012, 20:44:49 UTC
Hello! :D But I already said that at the forum. XD

Simply php includes is all you need for fast layout changes and skins can even be done in java script ^_^


newtype August 3 2012, 05:51:29 UTC
In addition to my post at the forums, welcome the community and welcome back to web design in general. :)


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