Hey everyone! I'm alive, I swear. I've been getting my butt kicked in retail for the past few months, mostly, and I have really started to miss this community and my sites. I miss you guys, lol. I want to start a discussion, but before I get to it, I want to mention some mod stuff.
There's a lot I know that we mods need to catch up with. With Daphne and I having job changes, Masao starting a new job and having some personal issues pop up (She's currently in China), and Varen having personal issues as well, we've sort of fallen behind with a few things. I just want to say on behalf of Amassment's mod team, thanks so much for being so patient in the past couple of months. I love that you guys have continued making posts, memes, and discussions without us. I also want to thank our current event volunteers -- Jackie, Marie, Larissa, Ava, and Juhi -- for planning and posting stuff, and keeping this community going strong during our rough time. I can't wait to see the new sites that will pop up from these events in the coming months!
I just want to let you all know what we have planned. Things Masao, Varen, Daphne, and I will get to as soon as we can:
- Completion post for Shrine Revamp Marathon
- Next step of the mascot contest
- Amassment domain (The directory and MB will be moving)
- Community and directory redesign
- Beta Community (This has been in the works for months)
If there is anything else you guys think of that the community can benefit from, or anything we may have forgotten, feel free to poke one of us and let us know, or simply comment to this post. :)
Discussion time!
In the past, links pages used to be huge on websites. Webmasters would find every site they could dedicated to a series or character. Lately, however, I've been seeing more and more sites without links pages. Most sites opt to only link affiliates, if any websites at all. Do you create links pages for your sites? With the increasing popularity of directories, do you feel links pages are still necessary? Why do you think people have stopped making links pages? Does it ever bother you to come across a site without a links page or section? Don't feel the need to answer all of the questions I asked. I just wanted to ask a few questions to get you thinking.