Credit is a must. Comments adored but not necessary. Suggestions for different text cheerfully accepted. Alter at will, but remember to attribute the original base to me.
*is still sacrificing small animals in your honor while hunting for icon fodder while giving you the Sad Puppy Eyes of DOOM*
I'll write you cracktastic stories featuring the characters of your choice for the Plot Bunny set, the whole LoSH group, the Impulse/Superboy Kiss Already, the two with Kon in the dress and bra, and the Impulse/Robin Kiss Already
You'll write me fic?! Cracktastic fic?! *adores you* Icons are on their way, and, uh, I'm partial to Lyle/Brainy and Vic/Gar, and you know, there needs to be more threesome fic (Tim/Kon/Cassie, Tim/Kon/Bart, Tim/Kon/Cass), so just write what your Muse gives you.
Comments 21
I'll write you cracktastic stories featuring the characters of your choice for the Plot Bunny set, the whole LoSH group, the Impulse/Superboy Kiss Already, the two with Kon in the dress and bra, and the Impulse/Robin Kiss Already
The plot bunnies of doom say there needs to be more Vic/Gar. But there's definately come Lyle/Brainy lurking up in my rotten headmeats.
This is the reason why half the threesomes I've written don't actually have one of the three in the fic. :P
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These are awesome!
I nabbed Superboy Supersexy #1 (the close up), will credit!!
Thanks for sharing!
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