Title: To Live and Die Again Genre: Drama Words: 118 Rating: PG Pairing: can be taken as Rin/Sess Summary: A very short ficlet inspired by, but ineligible for, the iyfic_contest theme "First Time". No, nothing dirty.
Would you believe me if I said that I squeed aloud when I read this? Very adorable, Amara-san! ^^
This week's theme will be difficult, though... crossover. I'm most concerned about keeping the characters IC, as nearly all of the YuYu x IY fics on FFN are... um... substandard, to say the least. I'll stop rambling now.
This week's theme is difficult indeed. When I first saw it, I was like, aw I won't be able to enter. But now I'm trying to come up with some ideas. I think I've fairly well avoided reading crossovers so far; never thought I'd be writing one.
Comments 4
This week's theme will be difficult, though... crossover. I'm most concerned about keeping the characters IC, as nearly all of the YuYu x IY fics on FFN are... um... substandard, to say the least. I'll stop rambling now.
This week's theme is difficult indeed. When I first saw it, I was like, aw I won't be able to enter. But now I'm trying to come up with some ideas. I think I've fairly well avoided reading crossovers so far; never thought I'd be writing one.
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