A New Alliance (remix for planetgal471)

Apr 23, 2007 02:21

Title: A New Alliance
Genres: Drama/Action/General
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 1,641
Characters: Sesshomaru, Rin, Jaken, OC
Summary: Sesshomaru goes to rekindle an old alliance, but at what cost?
Note: Thanks to tarrin4ever for beta-ing.

Disclaimer: The following is a Remix of Alliance by Planetgal471. The plot is used with permission. Miyazawa belongs to Planetgal471. Everyone ( Read more... )

sesshomaru, oc, remix, action, rin, drama, sesshomaru+rin, oneshot, fanfic, sess-tachi, gen, jaken

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Comments 5

manonlechat April 23 2007, 12:59:27 UTC
The first part shocked me (it's easy to forget just how cold Sesshoumaru was when we first encountered him in the manga); the shock was good, because it made me generally frightened as to what Sesshoumaru would do in the second part. Nice writing!!


amara_anon April 23 2007, 15:09:41 UTC
Thanks, I'm glad to hear I was able to make that part work. (Of course Sesshomaru would never hurt Rin, so how am I supposed to make the audience fear for her life? I tried to plant a tiny seed of doubt.)

I love the Sess+Rin relationship so much, and one of the things that's always made it striking to me is the idea or assumption that Sesshomaru probably used to kill women and children before he met Rin (maybe he even ate them! lol). So I wanted to use planetgal471's wonderful plot as an opportunity to show just how much Sesshomaru has changed, how he might make decisions differently now that Rin's around.

I haven't written much Pre-Rin!Sesshomaru before so it was fun to show his ruthless killer side. But of course, I am a fan of the sappy, fluffy goodness, so I had to end it on a sweet note. ;)


rhye April 23 2007, 13:48:25 UTC
Oooh, that was fun! I'm glad you enjoyed it, because I did, too! Yes, feel free to post it elsewhere. It was really neat. I love the way you added in the time dimension. Thank you again for doing this.


amara_anon April 23 2007, 15:13:19 UTC
Glad you liked it! It was my biggest fear that I would end up butchering your story. These remix things are sort of scary, you never know what you will get.


(The comment has been removed)

amara_anon April 24 2007, 02:20:53 UTC
Yeah, the idea comes from remix_redux. I think Jessica was pretty brave to let me remix her fic. I have to say it was a lot of fun to work with a plot much better than one I could have thought up on my own.

Thanks again for your help.


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