Sess drabbles

Feb 16, 2007 22:07

Here are a pair of Sesshomaru-related drabbles I wrote recently.

Title: Pass it On
Genres: Humor/Gen
Rating: K
Word Count: 249
Note: Written for the "Flowers" theme at iyissekiwa, and the "Gift" theme for 30shards of Jaken.
Summary: A gift ends up in the unlikeliest of places.

Pass it On )

sesshomaru, ah-un, action, kaede, rin, drabble, kohaku, 30 shards of jaken, drama, backstory, fanfic, sess-tachi, gen, jaken, humor

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Comments 1

twosen February 21 2007, 05:06:49 UTC
Last line of "Failure of a Priestess"? Really works for me. =P


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