And the director of The Hobbit will be...

Jan 28, 2008 17:08

Guillermo del Toro.I'm okay with this. Basically, I think any director PJ would approve must be right for it, and I think (and hope) that PJ and WETA's influence in the project with keep it mostly in line with the visual style of LOTR ( Read more... )


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Comments 13

raihu January 28 2008, 23:53:26 UTC
That could be really interesting, actually. I like him well enough for the sort of 'intelligent glitz' genre that his films always seem to inhabit. The Hobbit is the ultimate combination of light fairy tale fare and darker undercurrents for me; del Toro's probably the one I'd trust the most to respect that tricky sort of balance.

Argh. I can't shake the feeling that this is just ... the film that should not be made though, you know? I don't foresee it being done properly. But! I guess I should reserve judgement until I see it.


amara_anon January 29 2008, 02:29:31 UTC
We'll just have to see, I guess. It will be exciting the more news that comes in. I can't wait for the writer's strike to end so we can see who they choose as writers. PJ isn't writing it, and I wonder if Fran and Phillipa aren't either since they're probably working on his other projects. And it will be exciting of course to see who they cast as Bilbo. I can't believe this movie's coming out in 2 years. It seems so soon all of a sudden now that it's finally starting to come together.


manonlechat January 29 2008, 05:24:25 UTC
Oh, wow, that was not one that I expected! I need to think about it. Still, I loved Pan's Labyrinth...

Cool! Thanks for posting! :D


amara_anon January 29 2008, 21:38:27 UTC
While I didn't like the story of Pan's Labyrinth, obviously it was well directed. I thought the best parts about it were the fantasy sequences. So The Hobbit is probably right up del Toro's alley.

No prob, I love to spread the news.


haro January 29 2008, 06:12:46 UTC
I'm just ecstatic that he's doing Hobbit instead of Deathly Hallows, which he was also very interested in. Don't get me wrong. I think he's a fantastic directer and Pan's Labyrinth was a masterpiece (imho), but I just think his style is more suited to Tolkien. Plus, he's a very close friend with and directs in a similar vein as Alfonso Cauron, and that's just one step away from Cauron (a director I actually adore outside his work on PoA, go fig) directing which is pretty much OMGDONOTWANT for me.

Plus with Hobbit, if Jackson is involved than he will probably put his foot down over anything particularly wtf.

So yeah, to me this is sort of a relief. XD


amara_anon January 29 2008, 21:43:36 UTC
I kind of want David Yates to direct DH at this point, so there's some consistency between the last three movies. Also, since HBP is really like the first half of DH's story.

Of course, my tune will change if HBP turns out to be awful. But hopefully that won't be the case.

Who do you want to direct DH?


haro January 29 2008, 22:12:39 UTC
If HBP is as good as OotP I think I'll be content with him returning for DH. I wish Goldenberg (screenplay writer for OotP) was doing the last two films.

Who do you want to direct DH?

Hhehe Whedon, remember? XD But of the HP directors I just don't want Newell or Cauron. Also, I know it was a pie in the sky huge rumor but I don't want Spielberg.


amara_anon January 29 2008, 22:58:06 UTC
Ah, right.


prpl_pen January 29 2008, 09:31:22 UTC
Oooh, this is exciting news. :D

Have you seen The Devil's Backbone, by chance? It's probably my favorite of his films (though I also adore Pan's Labyrinth, despite the over-the-top violence).


amara_anon January 29 2008, 21:44:06 UTC
No, I haven't seen it. What's it about?


ariyanaforever January 30 2008, 20:26:56 UTC
Oh wow, I wouldn't have called that. I think he has the creative vision to pull off The Hobbit and keep it in line with the LOTR universe. I look forward to seeing how it works out.


amara_anon January 30 2008, 22:26:07 UTC
Yeah, he came as a bit of a surprise. Until him, the name most rumored for the job was Sam Raimi.


ariyanaforever January 31 2008, 06:56:55 UTC
=/ Yikes...I can honestly say that I would not be pleased if Raimi had got the job. I feel he is so hit and miss with his work and sometimes his camera work just boggles me and not in a good way.


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