[30 Shards of Jaken] Sidekicks on Strike

Dec 22, 2007 17:17

Title: Sidekicks on Strike
Genres: Humor/Action/Gen
Rating: K
Word count: 866
A/N: Written by request for silverontherose for the "Revenge" theme at 30shards.
Summary: Jaken, Ginta, and Hakkaku form a union of sorts against Sesshomaru and Koga. Set post-Naraku.

Sidekicks on Strike

Jaken sighed, and then felt a similar breath of air coming from either side of him, where Ginta and Hakkaku were sitting. The three sidekicks were waiting under a tree, watching from the sidelines as their respective leaders, Sesshomaru and Koga, were waging vicious battle against each other. Again.

It was getting boring.

“I wish they wouldn’t fight,” Ginta said, as Koga aimed a kick at Sesshomaru’s head.

“Me, either,” Jaken added with a yawn when Sesshomaru retaliated with a lash of his poison whip at Koga’s face.

Gone were the days when Koga and Sesshomaru could cross paths peacefully. Now it seemed that every time they met, one of them would insult the other, and a long, drawn out, and ultimately fruitless battle with no clear victor would ensue. Perhaps their personalities just clashed as badly as they did with Inuyasha. Or perhaps the mighty warriors were just antsy for a fight ever since Naraku’s defeat. The Feudal Era had gotten a lot quieter without him around. Whatever the reason, Sesshomaru and Koga just couldn’t seem to get along.

At first, Jaken had rooted voraciously for his lord’s ultimate victory over that puny wolf. But after the 15th or so battle, he’d found the whole affair tedious, and, well, (though he would never admit it to his lord’s face), idiotic.

“Maybe we should try to stop them?” Hakkaku said.

“You want to try to get between them, be my guest,” Ginta said.

Jaken watched as Koga dodged one of Sesshomaru’s blows. He had a feeling Sesshomaru could have easily finished Koga off if he would just use his sword the Bakusaiga. Secretly, Ginta and Hakkaku too felt that Koga would easily crush Sesshomaru if only he wielded the Goraishi. But neither of the youkai would stoop to rely on their most powerful weapons, preferring instead to fight with their fists. Perhaps because they actually enjoyed fighting each other, and didn’t want it to end. At this rate, it never would, Jaken feared.

“Wait, I have an idea to stop them,” he said to the two wolves, who had become his friends after their many meetings.

“What is it?” Hakkaku said.

“We’re all ears,” Ginta added eagerly.

The two wolves leaned in as Jaken whispered his plan to them.


A creased formed between Sesshomaru’s eyes, and not because Koga’s foot had just connected with his chin. That he easily shrugged off. But something else was bothering him…

Koga too starting sniffing the air, and an irked expression overcame his face. He took his eyes off Sesshomaru for a fraction of a second, during which time the inuyoukai took the opportunity to sink his poison claws into the wolf’s arm.

“Wait,” Koga said, brushing at his scratched arm like it was a mosquito bite. “Something’s wrong…”

Sesshomaru lowered his hand. He had just been about to aim for the wolf’s eyes, when he followed his opponent’s line of sight and stopped.

His pesky little servant, Jaken, and those two mutts that followed Koga’s every move like a pair of dolts, were walking away. Walking away! Completely ignoring their masters in battle! The very idea was ridiculous… and maddening. What was the point of beating the snot out of someone without an audience?

The same thoughts seemed to be running through Koga’s head, for he gave Sesshomaru a look, and Sesshomaru gave the slightest inclination of his head.

“Where do you two think you’re going?” Koga yelled at his subordinates.

“Jaken,” Sesshomaru said simply, but it was so icy and threatening that the little imp stopped in his tracks. The two wolves beside him stopped too, and turned to address their leader.

“We’re sick of all this pointless fighting,” Ginta said.

“Yeah,” Hakkaku added.

Jaken was quivering now, looking at his intimidating lord, but he gulped and ventured to say. “We want you two to put your differences aside.”

Koga raised his eyebrows and glanced at Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru said nothing but returned the look. Then they gazed back at their companions.

“And what do you intend to do if we don’t?” Koga said.

“We’ll quit,” Hakkaku said.

“Quit?” Sesshomaru said.

“That’s right,” Jaken said, gaining courage as he stood beside his friends. “If you two don’t stop, then we won’t follow you anymore.” And he stamped his staff on the ground for emphasis.

Ginta and Hakkaku nodded their heads firmly. Their arms were crossed.

Koga and Sesshomaru shared another look. They were stuck in a bind. As much as they didn’t want to admit it, they needed their friends with them. They couldn’t risk them walking out. There was only one course of action to take, though in their hearts they loathed to do it.

“Shut up,” Koga said, bopping Ginta and Hakkaku on the head.

“You too,” Sesshomaru said, giving Jaken a mighty thwack.

Welts raised painfully on the top of all three of their heads, and they fell to the ground.

“Now where were we?” Koga said to Sesshomaru.

“Oh yes,” Sesshomaru said. “After you…”

And the two powerful youkai returned to their pointless battle.

Jaken sighed, rubbing his sore head. One second later, he felt Ginta and Hakkaku sighing on either side of him.

sesshomaru, action, koga, 30 shards of jaken, oneshot, fanfic, ginta+hakkaku, gen, jaken, humor

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