Those of you who have finished reading Deathly Hallows, I need your opinion on something regarding how I am going to tally up the point totals for the
Harry Potter 7 Divination Challenge.
This is regarding how to count the predictions for Harry's death.
There are two ways to interpret the "King's Cross" chapter. One is that Harry was knocked unconscious by Voldemort's Killing Curse, had a dream of the afterlife, and woke up. Another interpretation is that Harry was killed, sent to some sort of Limbo, and then resurrected. Either way, Harry suffered some sort of death and resurrection, whether literal or metaphorical.
So, how to count the points? My point system is that every correct death prediction earns five points, every incorrect death prediction loses two points.
It's unfair to those who predicted that Harry would live to reward those who predicted Harry's death, since Harry ends up alive at the end of the book.
But it's unfair to those who predicted Harry's death to penalize them the two points when he really did die in some sense.
So here is what I want to do, and I need to know if this is acceptable.
I would like to reward everyone who predicted Harry's death five points, AND everyone who did NOT predict Harry to die will win five points as well. Basically everyone gets a free five points and no one will be penalized for whatever Harry prediction they made.
Sound good?