Yamashita Tomohisa: 0409 Vol. 76

Jul 12, 2011 19:54

Vol. 76 "Things that never change"
We live in a time of constant change. Yamapi himself is always moving forward, and it may seem like there is nothing in this world that stays the same. But after changing his perspective, the idol may have come up with an answer...

Sometimes I really wonder if there is anything in this world that always stays the same. When I look back to my younger days, at the books, music, and clothes that seemed so necessary at the time, I realize that I have no need for those things anymore. People--including me--their feelings, and their relationships are always changing.

I think change is good. I've been able to stay close to certain friends for a long time because we undergo similar changes at the same time. If I or the other person were to suddenly change so that our interests didn't match anymore, we would naturally begin to separate. That's why I think that fate must have played a role in my friendships. If we have similar traits we can hang out together like old times, even if they seem to have changed. That's why some of my longest friendships are with people in different professions. When we meet after a long time, it's fun to ask each other how are jobs are going, because our work is completely different. Even though we work in different fields, we can connect over our desire to constantly improve.

[Ikuta] Toma and I seem similar but we're a little different. He's an actor, and he has a lot of actor friends. I spend more time with friends from high school who are in different industries than with friends I know from work. Toma and [Nishikido] Ryo-chan are old friends--I guess you could call them my childhood friends. [Akanishi] Jin is more of a friend in my private life. I guess Ryo-chan is like that too--when we get together we never talk about work! (Laughs.)

If you never keep up buildings or the things around you, they eventually start to decay, right? I think it's important to keep not just my body, but also my heart, in good shape! If you ask me how I specifically do that, I'm not sure how to answer. But becoming an adult without substance is really pathetic. At this point in my life I can look back and say I'm really glad I made the effort to go to college. I spent more hours studying per week than most people, and I know that the things I learned are still with me now. Plus, being exposed to an array of things helps you to look at the world from many different angles. You're also better able to apply what you've learned, like, "Since such-and-such happened, we should solve it like this." That's why I want to increase my knowledge by reading and studying a variety of things.

When I read, I often come across a new point of view that I had never thought of before. It also helps when I'm preparing for roles in dramas and movies. To help me in my job, I want to become more sensitive and improve my ability to express emotion. Right now I'm reading some simple philosophy books. "Where do I find fulfillment and contentment?" "What am I striving for?" When I think about these questions, I discover that I'm really happy just to have food to eat.

I've never worked as a company employee before, so I may not know what I'm talking about, but I get the feeling that people compare themselves to others too much. It makes people worry, even though they have plenty. I've stopped comparing myself to other people. When I was a Jr. everyone around me was a rival, so I would constantly compete with them. Thinking about it now, I realize that competition was important back then. It was a necessity. But now I've decided that it's pointless, and I've stopped comparing myself to others. You can compare yourself to others about everything--it never ends. People get so caught up in it that they eventually lose sight of themselves.

Where do I find my own value? I'd like to always strive to create the best work possible. I don't know what others will think of me when they see my work. But after working as a team to make something, practicing together and showing off our choreography, I love to see the audience enjoy it! It's nice to receive awards, but I'd rather find my own value in how hard I worked to produce something. Earlier I said there's nothing that stays the same, but actually, my desire to produce good work will never change. Although, the desire has become stronger with time, so I guess it does change after all. Also, the things I currently enjoy are drinking the night before a day off, and making plans for the next day off. I didn't used to do those things, so I guess that's a change as well.

[Seventeen, July 2011 / translation by amapi - Please credit if using/quoting]


And the answer is... Yup, everything changes. Oh well, I like "deep" Yamapi too. Even though he is a bit ridiculous. This translation was made possible by a scan on watchful21's lj. You can visit her page to view the original. Also, I will translate Vol. 77 tomorrow, so we'll be all caught up. Thanks for reading!


philosophy, nishikido ryo, tomohisa, change, yamashita, toma, seventeen, ryo-chan, yamapi, jin, akanishi jin, japanese, ikuta toma, 0409

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