Next up: Barcelona and Portugal! And ahem... Stockholm and Helsinki...

Mar 24, 2009 16:20

 First things first: Poland did kick ass on the flying hill! W00t! Second, Slovenia is freakishly clean and quiet and proper and you'd THINK papper_docka and I wouldn't have fun in a place like that, but you'd think wrong. We managed to be both proper and ladylike and do a lot of sightseeing (but that's mostly because she's awesome and will ( Read more... )

austria, italy, slovenia, globetrotter!me

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Comments 10

venckman March 24 2009, 21:35:07 UTC
That one postcard is epic. Truly, it's a work of anti-postcard genius.


amantium_irae March 26 2009, 11:46:27 UTC
And it's all YOURS, baby. I mailed it this very morning.


venckman March 26 2009, 15:55:30 UTC


upsa_daisy March 24 2009, 22:02:04 UTC
I'm glad you and papper have so much fun together. One dy I'll join you, I tell ya!

And that postcard is, like venckman said, epic, yes.


amantium_irae March 26 2009, 11:46:56 UTC
YES, join us!!! The ski jumping season starts again in a few months... ;)


polvodestrella March 24 2009, 22:40:15 UTC
Ice cram. Ice cream. OMG, ice cream!! Now you made me want ice cream and I don't have any, and it's too late, and.... yummy, ice cream!!!!

And that new pic of Foxy... yeah, it makes me think of something I could do with the ice cream :D


amantium_irae March 26 2009, 11:47:51 UTC
We were also contemplating how convenient it would be if they made creamy, delicious, mouth-watering Italian gelatto that wasn't quite so... cold so we could lather him up in it and use him as an ice cream cone...


papper_docka March 25 2009, 01:15:48 UTC
Ah, Trieste, one would have thought you're an ugly place. I laughed so hard all over again and I love it. Maybe that was the idea? To entertain? :D

when we're crazy old ladies with purple hair, we're still going to be like two peas in a pod, having more fun than I could imagine having with anyone and probably shamelessly checking out young men's butts on the streets of the world's capitals.

I certainly hope so! :-* For now though, we've got some a good few years and... beware little Finnish piglets! Here we come! :p
I can't WAIT for our next trip! Here's the hostel in Barceona that Foxhussy cousin recommends:


amantium_irae March 26 2009, 11:48:25 UTC
There won't be a single virgin Finnish piglet left by the time we're done with them. :p


angelcure April 5 2009, 16:43:16 UTC
Italian ice cream is heaven!
Thinking of ice cream, then staring at my icon... oh no... it was such a quiet day so far...


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