Mmmkay so I haven't posted much lately, seeing as school just started. Made these this past weekend and tonight. Some are shit, but I thought I ought to post anyways. So comment, credit, don't hotlink, and please don't alter.
Okay so I just rediscovered Lillix. I quite like them now so I decided they need some icon love. Some of these are kinda crap though. You know what to do, comment credit, and all that jazz.
Hmm so it seems I have no life and all I've been doing this week is make icons... Yeah well you would too if everyone was in places like OSOYOOS and and and MEXICO!!! Anyways pics from foto_decadent Comment, Credit, No hotlinking, blah blah blah.
Ok so some more icons of random sayings that I and my friends say... Or rather type... Comment, credit, no hotlinking, do not alter. *EDIT* Things MICHELLE says... ( LOLZORS. )
This is yet another icon post... Dear Besus I have so much boredom as of late. UGHHH. Once again Pics are from foto_decadent. Comment, Credit, No Hotlinking, Don't alter.