Nov 07, 2010 14:24

For those of you who don't know, kidlet has been struggling with some illness or another since the beginning of September, and Friday we had our third doctor's appointment when they finally decided to do a chest x-ray. In the meantime she was started on some prednizone for her crackling chest, and we are continuing to try to use the inhaler ( Read more... )

sick, cookies, a fucking albacore around my neck!, anxiety, viola, oh snap, nanowrimo, sad fecking panda, nom nom nom, cooking, depression, coffee, photos, the suck--let me show you it, cockblocked!

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Comments 60

wildeagain November 7 2010, 19:34:19 UTC
I'm sorry for the cost and the stress and the uncertainty. Hang in there, like you state you are.

Is the prednizone helping? Is Kidlet still on doses of it?

Lovely food.


amand_r November 7 2010, 19:49:51 UTC
She just started the prednizone friday, so she'll be done around wednesday. we'll play it all by ear.


pocky_slash November 7 2010, 19:47:16 UTC
Were they able to hook you up with one of those inhaler spacers? I had pneumonia a few times as a kid and asthma... well, always, though it's been better in recent years, and I couldn't use a regular inhaler until I was sixteen or something. (I don't know, I'm an idiot, whatever.) The spacer (which is like a long tube with a facemask on one end) really helped when I was wee, though YMMV.

Like you said, raising your kid is your job. We're here to help or distract or whatever if you need it, but you don't have any obligation to be present or active or "on" if you've got other shit going on. THE INTERNET UNDERSTANDS.

Anyway, I hope that Viv starts feeling better soon (not being able to breathe is like, the absolute worst. And really hard to explain to anyone who's never been through it before.), and that things calm down a bit for you guys ♥ ♥ ♥


amand_r November 7 2010, 19:50:37 UTC
Yeah, we have a spacer and a mask! she's still a little iffy on it, but we try. Thanks! :D


dremiel November 7 2010, 20:03:29 UTC
::hugs to you both::

It such a crap feeling when your kid is ill and there is only so much you can do. Even without concerns about money (and yes, easier since you have it but still adds up).

Sam had asthma as a kid - mild but still kinda scary - Advair and Albuterol and one time that I had to call 911. He outgrew it all and is FINE. Sometimes there little tiny airways just need to get big enough that a little inflammation isn't a big deal.

I hope the antibiotics and steroids help her kick this. I know it is exhausting for you both!


amand_r November 7 2010, 20:26:32 UTC
Yeah, the pneumonia is concentrated in her left lung, so I am hoping all this will blast it out of there, and that we can stay away from asthma.


noveldevice November 7 2010, 20:29:01 UTC
I had really bad pneumonia when I was three, and there haven't been any subsequent problems--it took weeks of antibiotics and stuff, but they cleared it up okay.

So it may not be as awful as you think. Fingers crossed.


amand_r November 7 2010, 20:30:22 UTC
That gives me hope. she's just been sick for so long. :(

I am sure it will get better.


paragraphs November 7 2010, 20:06:11 UTC
You are awesome, and damn good at your job. Vivi is beautiful and happy and WILL get healthy under your care. I know how hard it is, and many a time when things were rough I'd pull myself up and think about what is good, how yeah, the kid is sick or hurt but she (or he :) would get better. Damn, you made me tear up. Love you lots Mander.

But one thing. EWWW COFFEE POT!!!


amand_r November 7 2010, 20:27:20 UTC



blue_fjords November 7 2010, 20:44:44 UTC
Hey, sweetness. Oh, my dear Vivi. Take heart. I know each person is different, but I've had asthma since I was five, and pneumonia and bronchitis at various times, and I am a PERFECT VISION OF GOD'S LOVE AND UNICORNS. I know it's wicked scary to be a parent and unable to fix what's wrong w/ your kid, but speaking from the kid's perspective, we don't blame you and just want hugs. Looking back on the first ever asthma attack, I feel bad that my mom had to take me to the emergency room on her own (my dad was on TDY), but I am happy to report to you that she managed and came out all the stronger for it. There is light at the end of the tunnel! (And, not that I was accident prone or anything, but I had a special knack for needing to go the emergency room in the middle of the night when I was a kid, always when my dad was thousands of miles away. This, too, shall pass.)

Your Linzer biscuits look buttery soft and pretty! I send you huggles and best wishes for Vivi's health, and a dog. Milo wants to come for a visit.


amand_r November 7 2010, 20:46:52 UTC

Yeah, I used to have this knack for needing to go to the hospital when I was on vacation or at camp. Ooops.

We'll hang in there! <3


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