Fic: They come in batches (Gold dust deleted scene for mtgat, J/I/L)

Jan 17, 2010 00:52

Title: They come in batches
Author: amand_r
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack/Ianto/Lisa
Rating: PG, possibly pg-13. I'm bad that this rating stuff.
Wordcount: 2, 129. I might have got carried away.
Author's Notes: this is for mtgat, who commissioned it in the help_haiti auction. She requested a deleted scene from We held gold dust in our hands. This is set ( Read more... )

fanfic, torchwood, auction items, lisa is the biggest badass ever, ianto jones is gay for you, jack harkness's cock

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Comments 30

angstslashhope January 17 2010, 14:34:30 UTC
Oh, Jack. I forget about all this stuff that was muddying everything behind the scenes in S1 (in particular). This is a lovely piece. Perfect standalone, but great to see more of this 'verse, of course :D


amand_r January 17 2010, 19:24:39 UTC
Yeah, it didn't occur to me that Ianto didn't know much of anything then, either. It's a happier Jack in season two, I think when we see that his secret is out, and it's one less secret he has to worry about.


blue_fjords January 17 2010, 15:16:08 UTC
You know I love this! I think I shall have pancakes today. And totally crack my eggs into the chipped teacup I keep for that purpose. Ianto Jones is my sekrit lovah.

I love Lisa saying "Golly!"


amand_r January 17 2010, 19:26:46 UTC
I was like, "What's like the most American word you can think of?" Golly would be it.

Make your pancakes! Use your teacup! Bah! We have a fly by night operation here! We take risks!


cruentum January 17 2010, 15:34:45 UTC
God I love this universe. I actually love the setting for this that you were given this early in their relationship while, yknow, things are still in the 'let's try and figure this out' stage and Jack is rather adorable in this and in his insecurity about it. And like someone else said, in contrast to that, loved the "Eat your pancakes." Nice to see how much support Ianto and Lisa give Jack here at this time even though they know so little about him, and it's a theme that ties in nicely with the rest of the universe as you have written it I think. I like.


amand_r January 17 2010, 19:27:20 UTC
Awww. You warm the cockles of my heart.


temporal_witch January 17 2010, 16:21:46 UTC
Ahh, nicely done! I enjoyed the original story a great deal and loved this little missing scene. In fact, I wouldn't complain if you decided to write more in this 'verse. Not at all (and I like to complain, really).

I think I shall have to tip my Very Cool Hat With Skulls On It to you (only tipped to two others before). Brilliant! ♥


amand_r January 17 2010, 19:29:26 UTC

Thanks, TW.

My next auction item is a future fic from this verse, so I guess you'll have to read that, too.


easilymused1956 January 17 2010, 19:27:32 UTC
I shall add my love for this AU. And a promise not to complain if there was more of it.

Ah, Jack, caught in a web of his own making. I love seeing the triad like this. And Ianto making the pancakes ad being -- Ianto.



amand_r January 17 2010, 19:30:57 UTC
Poor Ianto cannot understand a breakfast without mushrooms and tomatoed. It's unnatural.


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