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Comments 70

neifile7 June 12 2009, 14:37:58 UTC
You have a cat named Murasaki Shikibu. (On top of a daughter named Violet.) I did not think it was possible for me to love you more, but nao I do.

I will have to write you acrostic poems in purple hand-ground ink. I will send you bento boxes of sweet rice cakes at dawn.

I also love the tartan, btw.


amand_r June 12 2009, 14:45:32 UTC
Well, I had the cat before I had Viola. She's kind of like a pissy little princess. Imagine the world's bitchiest My Little Pony, but not a pony. Like, a cat.

Have you ever read Liza Dalby's "The Take of Murasaki"? It's pretty schweet.

Thanks! It was mah wedding dress.


neifile7 June 12 2009, 15:47:45 UTC
Ah yes, Viola not Violet. Still in the same color range, though. Murasaki is a very good name for a regal, pissy feline.

I have not read Dalby. I was warped for life by reading "The Tale of Genji" when I was thirteen. I probably compounded the damage by reading the less euphemistic translation that came out a few years ago. It is hardly any wonder that I see smutty subtext everywhere.

Second Foxy's sentiments on how you look in that wedding dress.


amand_r June 12 2009, 16:00:53 UTC

What I like about Dalby is that as a Westerner, she has a different perspective on Murasaki, and the book is written with that in mind, just a little, I think. Also, she doesn't spare Murasaki critically, but at the same time, after looking at the personal issues that the woman goes though, it's a miracle that she wrote anything at all.

There's a brief period in the book in which she has run ins with Sei Shonagon, and that's funny, because Murasaki's more gentle and charitable ways completely clash with Shonagon's catty gossipy ways. Much fun.

Incidentally, Dalby spent time as a Geisha in...Kyoto? I always forget the name of the district there, the hanamachis. Anyway, she wrote a fantastic book about it (and about how she was never really a geisha, she just kind of played one), but it was the first time Westerners got a chance to see inside it, and man is it fascinating.

Not...not that I have a fascination with it or anything. Oh hell, i totes love the floating world.


51stcenturyfox June 12 2009, 14:38:00 UTC
When we say edging, we don't just mean masturbatory, right? It's just teasing/ not bringing to orgasm? Like I could write a drunken edging threesome? And how much would that suck, dude? TONITE, AT TORCHWOOD: NO ONE GETS LAID. (Jack would throw a shit fit.)

Yes, no... it can be with one person or ten in an unsatisfactory daisy chain. And the edging can COME to a satisfactory conclusion if you like. I can't stress that enough. You could also put ice cream in it.

2. Your daughter continues to be adorable, and so was your husband.

3. You're really hot.

4. Can I share your legal boywhores? You can go first.


amand_r June 12 2009, 14:47:52 UTC
1. Okay then. Heh. I don't think my stories have enough COME jokes.
2. My husband was hot, man. My kid, unfortunately inherited his genes of awesome.
3. Only when photoshopped.
4. OH MY GOD, Paco is in the doghouse for doing something unspeakable with a plantain. I'll send him to your hizzy posthaste. You'll know him because his assless chaps are hot pink.


51stcenturyfox June 12 2009, 15:02:03 UTC
Alright. Paco!

BTW, I lost the diamond out of my engagement ring. It did not make me happy.


amand_r June 12 2009, 15:11:16 UTC
OH MAN, THAT BLOWS! I'd be cutting bitches (but not with the diamond, because it's lost.)


smirnoffmule June 12 2009, 14:49:47 UTC
Awww! I like you!

Also, your daughter and my dog would so get on re the ball envy. He's notorious in parks up and down the land, and the kids next door know not to even bother knocking and asking for their ball back when it's come over the fence because the answer will be I'M SORRY, IT HAS BEEN DEVOURED. YES, I KNOW YOU ONLY KICKED IT OVER FIVE SECONDS AGO. IT HAPPENS THAT FAST.


amand_r June 12 2009, 15:01:34 UTC
Hee, thanks!

Yeah, at least she doesn't EAT the balls, but it's truly horrendous when the people try to take the balls back. I have to drag her away and make these apologetic faces like, "I'm sorry my kid is ravingly psycho."


tripperfunster June 12 2009, 14:54:23 UTC
Feeling selfish? BAHAHAHAHAHAH! Sort of reminds me of my mother, who sometimes takes a 'me day'. You know, to go to the spa, get her hair done, maybe have lunch with a friend.

Let me clarify that my mother does not work (and hasn't for at least 30 years) and we're not quite sure how she differentiates 'me days' from every other day of her life. Perhaps by circling it in her day book with a pink glittery pen? I dunno.

As for your hubby: Yes, hot. Nothing turns me on more than an asian guy in a kilt. ;9 Well, that's not exactly true. ANY GUY in a kilt is pretty damn do-able. Except Fat Bastard. but I'd probably blow him

your daughter: Also hot. In a non sexual way. She is looking more and more like an actual human being every day! *sigh* I miss the blobbly baby days!

And I don't have to say it , but You: also hot.

Your icon is win.


amand_r June 12 2009, 15:10:06 UTC
See, I don't mind what I used to call "personal sanity days," but that was when I was a teacher, and I knew that it was time for one when I would want to clock a student with a book, even though they were asking for it by using the French teacher's decorative seashells as tobacco spitoons. SRSLY. WHO THE HELL DOES THAT?

Anyway, yeah, he was hot. And violent. Ah, Tianyu, your legs were pretty.

I know about the baby! She looks like a little kid, and while I do not miss the BEHAVIOR of the blobby days, I kind of miss how she would sleep all over me. You know?



blue_fjords June 12 2009, 15:00:19 UTC
Aww...sweet pics! I always wanted to have curly red hair when I was a kid. Instead I have the hair that's in my icon. Um, the girl hair. Not the boy hair.

Thanks for answering my questions! We have similar feelings about ice cream, I see.

And now I really want to read the Darkwing Duck fic. But I have to go to work. I shall read when I get back home!

(And, iffin I crank out an edging fic this weekend, there will definitely be eventual release. I just want everybody to be happy, you know?)


amand_r June 12 2009, 15:31:16 UTC
Aw, your hair looks nice! Is it blonde and kinda wavy?

You should read her fic! It's really good, and the Darkwing Duck thing is a very small part of it. A throwaway line, but I LOLed like a LOLing thing.



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