We held gold dust in our hands master post

Nov 01, 2009 10:16

Hi everyone. This is Amand-r with a special message.

This is the best fic I have ever written. For srs. Read this first.

This is the bastard love child of someone saying something on LJ. This time I don't even remember who it was. angstslashhope? THAT THE WORLD NEEDED MORE SERIOUSLY POLY POLYAMORY FIC. THIS HAS CURTAINS. This is incredibly indulgent. And ZOMG, THERE'S PORN. AND BABIES.

I don't know where this came from. I might have started it before CoE, I might not have. I might have started it in that interim period in which I was petulant about CoE. I dunno. And then I was like, 'well, write a poly fic'. And then someone said that they wanted to see a fic where Jack walks away from it all, intact, whole, with his lover, in triumph, really, and I was like, 'I can do that.' AND THEN, someone said that they wanted to see Ianto meet Jack's daughter in a good way, and Ianto's family meet Jack in a good way, and it started to get ridic, and I figured in for a penny, in for a pound.

I am aware that it's too long, and it's very hurt/comfort, and it's domestic. Those might be its flaws. I kind of like it that way. I'm not interested in talking about how it could be better, or whatever. So there you go. It's sweet and strange, and I loved it, and that's all I got. If you didn't like it, for whatever reason, that is fine, but I felt like I had to do this, in some ways, and so. Hrm.

Just trust me. ::cracks knuckles:: Here we go.

Title: We held gold dust in our hands
Author: amand_r
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Team, etc (Jack/Lisa/Ianto/Gwen/Rhys and all permutations thereof with a heavy dose of the first three), Rhys, Rhiannon, Alice, Ten, Lisa (basically everyone!)
Ratings: NC-17 for sexual content (also extremely mild watersports and lactation sex).
Timeline: AU from pre S1 and threads through both seasons, part of CoE and into THE FUTURE. Enjoy the ride.
Wordcount: 63,000 words

MEGA CREDITS: Thanks to my midwife, blue_fjords for the beta, curriejean for the heartening alpha, angstslashhope for the cheerleading and 'shortbussing', and to my lj flist for being honest about themselves and their knowledge of disability. And to joanwilder who taught me about paraplegia and all the medical issues that come with it. And lastly to sthayashi, whose work experience with wheelchairs helped me to get a better handle on spatial relations and just how the chairs work in the world.

Thanks to all of you who read it early and assured me that it didn't suck.


FANMIX: The lovely crescent_gaia has created a fanmix for this story as part of the bang. It can be found here

And if you haven't seen the fanmix I did for it a few weeks ago, it's right here.

links to stuff, fanfic, lisa is the biggest badass ever, the doctor is in, jack harkness's cock, every day is gwensday, fanmixes, rhys is stacked, torchwood, ianto jones is gay for you, big bang

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