The Holy Land Experience

Dec 18, 2004 20:19

So, in an effort to do something completely off the wall, Tianyu and I decided to immerse ourselves in Christian Propaganda by going to The Holy Land Experience. I really can't explain it, and you really have to click on the link and surf around. It's basically, uhm, the Holy land. Select parts of the Holy land. Very select parts of the Holy Land. "Christian" parts of the Holy Land, with parts of the actual Holy Land mixed in. Or something. The punchline is that this place is two miles from our house.

So, after all the jokes about going to the Holy Land (you know, we're going to see the Palestinian children and tanks and flaming imams), we went inside.

I have heard a bunch of madrigals singing "Old English" Christmas songs that weren't in Old English, learned about the festival of lights, saw a model replica of Jerusalem 266 AD, and watched a Christmas Cantata with possibly the worst choreography ever in the history of human movement. Really. It was like bad para para while singing mild Rich Mullins songs whose lyrics have been written by a crack addicted evangelicist five year old.

Of course the real reason we went was to get Tianyu a head scarf.

And to see the camel. Two seconds after this picture was taken, the camel let loose the poo.

Oh, and a goat.

In the garden tomb, Tianyu is shocked, SHOCKED to discover that there is no body. Note the placque that informs us that his is not here because he is risen.

Then I was horribly attacked by mutant Christmas presents.

The above is a picture of the singing angels in the cantata. They are blurry because it was night and they were far away and very lit up, and also because, as Tianyu says, "They're angels, duh." I think they look like they're on fire.

Yeah, so this is how we waste our days. There were many many funny and positively unholy conversations, one of which was that we were going to start our own theme park called the Unholy Land, which will either feature the modern day holy land, or just a carnival of horrors in a post armageddon world, including the AntiChrist Hall of fame, in which we will have statues of every man ever purported to be the AntiChrist. I threw a big fit about the menu serving "Jaffa hot dog" platters, until Tianyu pointed out that they were Hebrew Nationals. I mean, because really, pork in the Holy Land? WHATever.

Dear god, we are insane.
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