We seem to have a lot in common, and I would like to make friends with you. I love yaoi, reading, Hyde and Gackt also (their music is amazing ^^). It's always nice to find someone with many of your interests on LJ. ^-^ (I am a bit shy...) Is it okay if I add you? You are welcome to add me.
(I will take this time to apologize for my lack of background. ^^;; I am in the process of getting a new one, so it will be a bit blank for the next few days. However, I hope that it doesn't deter you from friending me- I update often! Thank you! ^^ )
*pokes* I'm not just interested in your comics. You seem interesting as well. If you add me, I have no issues with yaoi, it's in my interests. But I look forward to getting to know you better!
I added, you, I hope that okay. You seem really cool and I enjoy reading your Lj (esp luv your comics <3). I don't post on my own Lj that much, but I enjoy commenting (but I'm very shy so be nice~! xD)
Uhm yea, XD your friends with Elise and we have random fun on hre journal...or have..er...twice and you seem amusing. ^^ So, hi. <3 I'm not that scary. I swear...
My grandparents actually live in Lafeyette. XD; And sure, if you can mow down my dad's suv while we speed through there. 8D Ooh, or you can accidentally show up when we make a restaurant, and I can introduce you as my stalker? ;~;
Comments 78
We seem to have a lot in common, and I would like to make friends with you. I love yaoi, reading, Hyde and Gackt also (their music is amazing ^^). It's always nice to find someone with many of your interests on LJ. ^-^ (I am a bit shy...) Is it okay if I add you? You are welcome to add me.
(I will take this time to apologize for my lack of background. ^^;; I am in the process of getting a new one, so it will be a bit blank for the next few days. However, I hope that it doesn't deter you from friending me- I update often! Thank you! ^^ )
Uhm yea, XD your friends with Elise and we have random fun on hre journal...or have..er...twice and you seem amusing. ^^ So, hi. <3 I'm not that scary. I swear...
Dude, you live in Indianapolis? I was there two days ago...er...driving through it. ^^;
Aside from the cult I started at school, but that's another story.
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