Gacktblog Mar 11 2012

Mar 11, 2012 14:54

No Matter How Many Years Pass, We Will Never Forget This Day, March 11th


Since that day that we cannot and must not forget,
exactly one year has passed.

Looking back, it's like the blink of an eye.
Despite that, I can't forget how terribly long those few days felt.
That's more important to remember than anything else.

We must join hands,
and be grateful,
that we are living in this moment,
that we have encountered many friends,
that we can be here smiling like this,
and that we have been able to feel the worth of those who are by our sides.

Today is a day to reconfirm
that we will walk on,
carrying out the things we must,
including that which was left by those who departed before us.

I suppose for the victims,
this must bring back heartbreaking memories.
We must take this moment
to remember today as the beginning of a new journey.

I am traveling to Tohoku with my friends from YFC and SYH, and Mayo Kawasaki,
and I want to give even one more memorial stone an offering of flowers.

Everyone has just taken the bullet train north with the same feeling in their hearts,
that this is what we should do first today.

It will soon be dawn.
Today the sky is clear and cold.


gackt, translation, gacktblog

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