IDOL AND THE LAWYER (Ohmiya, One Shot)

Nov 02, 2010 22:42

Obviously busy with crafting a perfect revenge plan and polishing his angelic lawyer image, Naruse Ryo didn’t think twice before rejecting this particular case which had made its way to his table the morning before. Considering it was a minor case gone massive due to a national idol’s involvement, it only made sense not to get himself involved in ( Read more... )

fic, arashi, ohmiya

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Comments 53

jamasunda November 2 2010, 16:20:35 UTC
Can't get over the epicness that this fic is. ♥


am1thirteenth November 3 2010, 02:10:35 UTC
So much love. Thanks a million. *gives a giant engraved cookie for being the first*


riapi November 2 2010, 17:06:45 UTC
wooow~! nice.. the fic is so funny and hilarious :))
lols at arashi not getting shock/scared that naruse killed people, but more scared of what nino will do to them...
and LOLs at drunk toma~

and yeay for arashi/nino saving naruse from the damn revenge[thinking back about maou, i cried so hard in the ending, and of course a lot of times when riida is crying T_T]


am1thirteenth November 3 2010, 02:36:59 UTC
I cried pretty much every time oh-chan cried too (including kaibutsu-kun). He's just that good. *swoons*
Thx for liking my attempt at a Maou happy ending :D
Lots of love for you!


muharami79 November 2 2010, 17:14:26 UTC
oh gawd...this is epic^_________________^
I love how you blend in everything..maybe that sort of explain Riida's sometimes bad-ass moments..haha..
ooohhh...I truly love this
am putting this in memories...


am1thirteenth November 3 2010, 02:42:11 UTC
*___* i'm in someone's memories! <333 for you, i'm never locking/deleting this entry.


jearashifan November 2 2010, 18:08:13 UTC
uwa! Reading the whole thing took some time! But the fic's awesome! I love the story line and fluffness <3 thanks for sharing! And that pocky part made my day xD


am1thirteenth November 3 2010, 03:58:08 UTC
You totally made my day too, dear! <333 thanks for reading and commenting! *gives pocky*


arashistyle November 2 2010, 19:44:34 UTC
So funny! And cute! And bright!
Loved the whole idea!
Congrats on that!


am1thirteenth November 3 2010, 05:09:24 UTC
Aww thank you for your kind compliment :) i am glad you find this piece interesting. <333


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