
(no subject)

Aug 15, 2013 00:41

Two reviews: 1) the role of
ACC network (linked to BG),
2) the role of PCC network
(DMN, linked to HC). Updates:
J.X. O'Reilly et al. (2013)
"Dissociable effects of surprise
and model update in IPS and ACC.
M.W. Cole et al. (2013) "Multi-
task connectivity reveals flexible
hubs for adaptive task control
A. Schlegel et al. (2013)
"Network structure and dynamics
of the mental workspace
Update: S.L.Bressler, V.Menon (2010)
"Large-scale brain networks in cognition:
emerging methods and principles.
Trends in Cogn. Sci. 14, 277-290.

cogn, hc, neurophys, bg, neurosci, neuro

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