Legend of the Seeker pic!spam

May 04, 2010 20:07

aithine and
temaris and, to a lesser extent,
moonlettuce because she's smart enough not to be on IM of an evening have been listening to me squee about Legend of the Seeker for about three weeks now. And
aithine says that now I've acquired high res screencaps - like about 100,000 high res screencaps covering both series to date - I have to do a pic!spam. And I am her bitch, so I have to do that.

It's taken me about three hours to trim this down and this is just a small sample of the reasons I love this show so freaking much. I couldn't use many of my favourite kick ass scenes where Kahlan and Cara and Richard save the world, because obviously blurry screencaps when they're kicking ass and taking names, but here are a few that showcase some of the main attractions for me. True Love! Swords! Sorcery! Pirates. Damn it. I should have included some pics of the ninja!nuns. Too many reasons to watch! So I went for the shallow ones ::g:: You know. Just so you can dip your toes in.

There will be spoilery pics in here but I'm not sure how spoilery for actual plot they are, given that they're out of context. But you might want to bear that in mind :) Bigger pics if you click on the thumbnail.

This is Richard Cypher, the Seeker. This is series 2 Richard with the seriously hot hair. Apparently fandom doesn't like the longer hair. Personally I think fandom is oh so wrong. (I have a theory that the reason Richard grows his hair longer in series 2 is that he wants to be Kahlan when he grows up. And who could blame him?)

Richard also likes taking his shirt off.

A lot.

I have no problem with this.

Also Richard is pretty when he emos. Very pretty. And if he emos he has good reason. Like, oh, having to save the world on a regular basis and all of his decisions potentially dooming the world. Also, he can never have sexx0rs with the woman he loves on account of her magic will eat his soul.

Which is a pity, because he's completely smitten with Kahlan. See?

This is Kahlan.

Kahlan is seriously freaking badass.

And pretty.

Pretty and badass!

Seriously badass. This is the first time Kahlan and Richard meet, and she holds a knife to his throat. Apparently this turns Richard on because Richard is a complete sub likes seriously competent, seriously dangerous women. More on that later.

But mostly he likes Kahlan. See?

Likes Kahlan a lot, even if they can never have sex. Except for all the times they almost do.

And it's a meeting of equals - they rely on each other and Richard has no problem with Kahlan taking charge or taking care of him when he needs it without his masculinity being threatened. At least not once she smacks him around the head a couple of times with a rolled up newspaper. But that's okay, because Richard is a complete sub learns quickly.

Kahlan even gives him her dagger so he can protect himself when she's not around to do it for him. This is the Midlands equivalent of an engagement ring.

I think he said yes. And she didn't even have to go down on one knee.

And then they almost have sexx0rs, which is just another excuse for Richard to take his shirt off.

This is Cara.

Cara is fucking awesome. There is not enough sauce in the world to encompass her awesomeness.

And she's as badass as Kahlan.

And her expressions, especially when she's snarking at Kahlan and Richard, are just hysterical.

But inside, Cara is just a pretty, pretty princess. One who is armed to the mothereffin' teeth, and don't you forget it. Chuck Norris crosses the street to avoid her.

This is Zedd. Zedd is a wizard.

With an inappropriate love of chickens.

Like, really inappropriate love of chickens.

And he likes dressing up in women's clothing.

We ♥ Zedd.

And now for some reasons you should watch Legend of the Seeker. Bondage! Pretty, battered Richard, with appropriate side orders of hurt comfort. Sparring as flirting! Badass!Kahlan, who takes no one's crap. Kahlan/Richard. Cara/Richard. Cara/Kahlan. Cara/Kahlan/Richard. The fact that Richard is a complete and utter sub. Also, very pretty. And kind of puppy dog on occasion. Sexiness. Adorableness. Sexy adorableness. Canon femslash! Canon true love where there's none of this relationship angst. Friendship that's fierce and strong and that Cara will deny it exists until she admits she loves them. To a fairy! People who will die, kill, fight and rush off to save one another. The fact that the male lead has two - two - female companions whose job is literally to protect him. The fact that the female characters have their own story arcs and aren't reduced to sidekicks, getting as much screentime. The fact that this show passes the Bechdel test. Every single episode! And even if the conversation does revolve around the man, it's how to protect Richard or how to ensure Richard's mission succeeds, not about the man as the centre of their emotional lives. Evil, intense, sexy brothers. Swords! Sheer awesomeness! Also, Richard with his shirt off ::g::

Screencaps from orange_corner on LJ. Official promo pics from around the web.

And these are just a few reasons why I love this show so freaking much!

Also? Richard takes his shirt off a lot. And Kahlan's thighs are things of wonder. And Cara is just freaking awesome! You know, in case you hadn't realised ::g::

pic!spam: legend of the seeker, fandom: legend of the seeker

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