Fair Copyright for Canada (Calgary chapter) - Protest at Prentice's Stampede Breakfast

Jul 05, 2008 13:03

Got up nice and early to make it down to Industry Minister Jim Prentice's annual Stampede breakfast. The Calgary chapter of Fair Copyright for Canada (Facebook group here, website here), myself included, came out to pass out leaflets, CDs about copyright (thanks Jan!), and try to garner attention and inform people of the recently tabled bill. There was a good turnout, including a couple people who had come down from Edmonton. Probably 20-30 or perhaps more; I didn't get a count. Kempton (the organizer) tells me that there were about 60 who joined us altogether. A good turnout!

(Photos by Kempton Lam, from his Flickr stream.)

Several people made t-shirts, lots made signs, and there were many of us scattered throughout the lineup for the breakfast.

I myself didn't get a chance to speak to Mr Prentice about the bill, but Jan was able to get a question in.

The transcript from the recording Jan made is as follows:

Minister Prentice: How are you?
Jan (simultaneously): Thanks for breakfast.

Jan: Canadians have a hundred questions about the Copyright reform bill. Are you going to actually answer them straight-out sometime soon?

Minister Prentice: Well there'll be opportunity at the Parliamentary committee to debate all of those.

Jan: We're looking forward to hearing some answers, please.

(Jan talking to Mr Prentice)

(Mr Prentice doing his Stampede speech. He made a rather creepy comment about how Stephen Harper would go down in history as one of Canada's best prime ministers.)

After a bit of breakfast, and some chatting with Mark MacGillvray of the Green Party, a few of us positioned ourselves near the front of the line, giving out leaflets, talking to people, and just generally making ourselves seen and available. There was a lot of interest from people in line - many were happy to take a leaflet or a CD, and several spoke with us at length, asking questions.

(Myself, at left, and Jan, having breakfast and chatting with some people interested in the copyright bill. Photo by Grant Neufeld, from his Flickr stream.)

Things broke up around 11am as the breakfast itself was nearly over, and the crowds were starting to thin. I think we made a difference, and I hope that of the many people we spoke to, that some of them will write to their MPs and make their voices heard.

If you want more information on the new copyright legislation that's just been tabled, or on what you can do, check out Fair Copyright for Canada's website. Write your MP! Call their office and schedule a chat over this summer recess. Write to the Industry Minister, and to the Prime Minister. And don't forget about the ministers critics in the official opposition, and the other parties.

riaa, dmca, drm, copyright, copyright fight, jim prentice, fair copyright for canada, stampede breakfast

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