Grey's Anatomy Icons from 6x20

May 01, 2010 19:12

 It was a little weird seeing Mr. Medina as a cardio god but Scott Cohen did a good job. All the icons except for the two Teddy/Owen ones I made are here, Teddy/Owen will be below as some people don't like seeing them together.

As always, much thanks to carlithiel  for her awesome screencapping skills <3

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grey's: lexie grey, grey's: teddy altman, ship: mark and teddy, grey's: callie torres, ship: callie and arizona, !icons, grey's: owen hunt, grey's: cristina yang, fandom: grey's anatomy, grey's: owen and teddy, grey's: arizona robbins, ship: co, grey's: meredith grey, grey's: derek shepherd, grey's: april kepner, grey's: jackson avery, ship: cristina and owen, grey's: mark sloan

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Comments 2

greys_obsession May 1 2010, 23:23:49 UTC
Ummm... #17 is WAAAAAYYY too adorable!! xD And awww Jackson and April look so cute together! They should totally HOOK UP! Jacksil! =P

Love them all, Aly! Nice work!


carlithiel May 1 2010, 23:25:53 UTC
ha ha, I knew you would icon the bloody little baby xD, I'm surprised you didn't icon the x-ray scans ;). I like the first April-one very much <3


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