Title: Slave
Author: Alydhe
Rating: PG-13 (just to be safe)
Fandom: Anita Blake
Summary: Being Pomme means knowing your Master, and hearing things no one else does.
Anita was visited by the Mother of All Darkness, again, and Jean-Claude and Asher are worried, though they won’t let on just how much to anyone but each other. And him, apparently.
It’s funny, a Pomme de Sang is supposed to be so important, almost sacred, but if your not donating or in mortal danger, you’re really just part of the furniture; another pillow on the bed.
Jason couldn’t help but be amused by the thought.
But back to ‘Mommy Dearest’, as Anita called her. He snuggled a bit closer into the now warm body behind him on the bed and was rewarded when a hand stroked gently down his side. He shivered.
Jason knew the two vampires conversing on either side of him had been something like slaves, once. They had been forced to do terrible things in Belle Morte’s name. They’d had terrible things done to them by and for that same woman.
That is why they fear the interest the Mother had in Anita. The greatest horror, for them, would be to see Anita taken from them and forced to become something else just to survive. Something broken and twisted. Something cold and haunted. Something like them.