AIY: Bad Moods and Bar Blues *EDITED*

Apr 12, 2007 01:22

This story came to me while listening to Nickleback’s Next Contestant, those are the lyrics you see see in the story, as well. This is my first time writing Zack’s pov so I hope you’ll be gentle. *is hoping*

*EDIT* In case you all are wondering why Zack is so unsure of Cloud's reaction, there, this is fairly early in the relationship so everything is still pretty fragile as they all get to know each other as lovers.

Title: Bad Moods and Bar Blues
Author/Artist: Alydhe
Rating: R/M
Warnings: language, threats, mild violence,
Summary: (Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud/Aeris)Cloud has a new job and Zack isn’t happy about it.

Anywho, here it is.

I judge by what she's wearing
Just how many heads I'm tearing
Off of assholes coming onto her
Each night seems like it's getting worse
And I wish she'd take the night off
So I don't have to fight off
Every asshole coming onto her
It happens every night she works

Fucking prejudiced mountain assholes. If it weren’t for them, none of this would have ever happened.

Zack glared another jerk that was leering just a little too openly and watched in satisfaction as the guy turned stare at his drink as though it held all the answers of life

The letter came about a month ago. Cloud’s mother had been desperate. Her employer’s asshole meter had finally broken through and he fired her for being a ‘filthy foreigner whore’. She had tried to get another job but none of the jerks up there would hire her. The inbred fuckers were threatening to take her house, too, if she didn’t get the rent in soon. She had written to Cloud as a last resort. She knew he had left the village to get away from all of that and hadn’t wanted to burden him with their bullshit again but hadn’t had any where else to turn.

They'll go and ask the DJ
To find out just what would she say
If they all tried coming on to her
Don't they know it's never going to work?
They think they'll get inside her
With every drink they buy her
As they all try coming on to her
This time somebody's gettin' hurt

Cloud had immediately wired her his entire paycheck. He had then promptly refused to accept any help, financial or otherwise, from any of his lovers. Aeris had even used threats of withholding everything from apple pie to sex and he still wouldn’t cave! He just kept saying that it was a family matter and that he could handle it.

Zack had known there were work programs for soldiers that had joined for the express purpose of supporting their families, he just never imagined one of them would need to sign up for them! He and Sephiroth alone make enough in one week to supply the entire nation of Wutai with rice for a month! But would Cloud be a good little spouse-type-lover-thing and accept a little aid from his nearest and dearest? No!

And so Cloud worked it out with his superiors that four evenings a week he would be working in the city at one of the many Shinra owned companies.

Zack had to admit, Cloud had never seemed happier. Spike now knew that his mother was being taken care of, he was meeting new (non-military) friends, and he got out of patrol four nights a week. But for fuck’s sake did it have to be a bar?

Here comes the next contestant
Is that your hand on my girlfriend?
Is that your hand?
I wish you'd do it again (I'll watch you leave here limping)
And I wish you'd do it again (I'll watch you leave here limping)
There goes the next contestant

A low growl erupted from deep in his chest as he watched Cloud dodge yet another hand aiming for his ass. The blond was returning to the bar where Zack was nursing a beer (and watching him like a hawk) with his tray of empty glasses.

Cloud looked up to smile at him but sighed instead when he saw the look on his lover’s face. “If it upsets you so much, you don’t have to come.”

Zack glared at the teenager. “Bullshit! If one of us weren’t here who knows what they’d do to you!”

And that was the problem with this job. Cloud had always been attractive, any of his three lovers would gladly tell you that, but he had been attractive in oversized clothes, fatigues, or a trooper’s uniform.

When Cloud had gotten the job at Spade’s Saloon and had been told to dress somewhat provocatively for work, they had been thrilled. Well, it’s more like Cloud was confused, Sephiroth intrigued, and Zack and Aeris as been filled with a lecherous sort of glee.

The latter two had immediately taken him shopping.

If the old Cloud was attractive, the new Cloud positively screamed “Fuck me!” with every breath. And they had...thoroughly. He and Aeris had been especially fond of those little jean shorts they’d bought so many pairs of. Sephiroth had taken to buying Cloud leather as often he can, now. Cloud was enjoying the attention, even if he was a little exhausted.

And I even feel the ladies
They're cool but twice as crazy
Just as bad for coming onto her
Don't they know it's never going to work
And each time she bats an eyelash
Somebody's grabbing her ass
Everyone keeps coming onto her
This time somebody's gettin' hurt

It was after his first night on the job that the trouble with the new image was revealed, however. Cloud had come home practicaly covered in red marks and bruises. At first he’d tried to say that he’d just been clumsy, but they knew him better than that. Finally, they’d gotten the story out of him.

A bunch of horny assholes had accosted him. All. Night. Long.


Ever since then, one of the three of them sits in the bar and fends off the fuckers. The manager doesn’t like it much, he and Seph have ended up exhausted on missions from late nights here before, and Cloud thinks they’re over reacting, but he’d be damned if anyone else will touch what belongs to them.

Well shit, here we go again.

A jerk had just grabbed Cloud and pulled him to sit in his lap, but Zack was moving before the guy had even fully extended his arms.

“Let him go. Now.”

Cloud looked up, startled, from where he was attempting to fend off the hands reaching for his crotch. That tightly controlled bottle of rage in his gut began to boil.

“Fuck you, SOLDIER, get your own. This pretty’s with me.”

Cloud let out a high pitched squeak as the guys hand got through his batting and roughly grabbed at a very sensitive area.

Here comes the next contestant
Is that your hand on my girlfriend?
Is that your hand?
I wish you'd do it again (I'll watch you leave here limping)
And I wish you'd do it again (I'll watch you leave here limping)
There goes the next contestant

The bottle inside him exploded and the Zack grabbed the wandering hand, pulling it back so sharply that a loud snap sounded. He pulled Cloud off of the asshole’s lap and pulled the guy up by his collar. He started dragging the guy outside, hearing nothing but the rush of blood in his ears.

He took them both out the side door, where he knew there was a semi-secluded alley. He ignored the stench and the trash and just slammed Asshole against the brick wall, he felt a trickle of satisfaction filter through the rage when he realized the slime ball was whimpering.

Still clutching the collar of Asshole’s shirt, Zack pulled the 4 inch military knife from his boot and pressed it against the guy’s Adam’s apple.

“If I had it my way, I’d slice off your dick and make you eat it before carving you up bit by bit. I’d make you scream until you’ve lost too much blood to do more than shiver at my feet.”

He pressed the knife a little harder on the Asshole’s throat and a liquid red line appeared before it began trickling thinly down the blade.

An acrid scent suddenly accosted his nose and dimly Zack registered that the guy had peed himself. The whimpering got louder.

“Lucky for you, however, we all promised Cloud not to hurt anyone too badly.”

The guy mumbled something that could have been thank you, but it was hard to tell, as he couldn’t move his mouth much without slicing his throat open. Not that Zack would mourn if he did.

I'm hating what she's wearing
Everybody here keeps staring
I can't wait til they get what they deserve
This time somebody's gettin' hurt

“I don’t think you’ve learned your lesson, though, have you?”

Asshole started to nod, but thought better of it.

“No, I didn’t think so.”

Zack pulled the knife back a little, but before the man could take a relieved breath, the SOLDIER had brought his knee up hard between the other man’s legs.

Asshole attempted to curl up into himself but was shoved back against the brick.

“Cloud is something special, I can see why you want him. He kind, he’s beautiful, and the most forgiving person I’ve ever met. But someone like Cloud needs to be cherished. He needs to be treated the precious person he is, not like a fast fuck! You don’t get it, so you’ll never be able to touch him, that honor is reserved for only three people.”

He let go of the shirt collar and slugged the guy, holding back only just enough so that he wouldn’t shatter the guy’s jaw.

“So back off, asshole. He’s mine!”

Here comes the next contestant
Is that your hand on my girlfriend?
Is that your hand?
I wish you'd do it again (I'll watch you leave here limping)
And I wish you'd do it again (I'll watch you leave here limping)
And I wish you'd do it again (each night seems like it's getting worse)
And I wish you'd do it again (this time somebody's gettin' hurt)
There goes the next contestant

Zack watched the man scramble out of the alley and around the corner before turning to go back into the bar.

Cloud was standing there watching, his blue eyes as big as dinner plates.

Well shit.

He put a hand behind his head and attempted his normal jovial tone. “Hey Cloud! How’s it going?”

Cloud just stared at him. Damn. He was really beginning to sweat, with eyes that big Spike had to have seen pretty much the whole show. Nothing can scare you off quicker than the full realization that your sleeping with a cold blooded killer.

“Wow, it’s chilly out here! We should really get-“

“Zack.” Cloud’s quiet voice cut him off and he inwardly cringed. Please, please don’t say what I think your going to say. Please, I can’t lose one of you. Please.

Zack held his breath as Cloud walked towards him. He closed his eyes to brace himself for the what he was sure was coming.

They flew back open a moment later when he felt arms go around his neck and pair of lips latch on to his.

Soft blue eyes stared back at him and he could see love in them. He poured ever ounce of the relief he felt into that kiss and it was very reluctantly that he relinquished it.

Cloud quirked a smile at him. “You’re an idiot, Zack. I may not be SOLDIER but I am military. I’m grateful for your help but if you’d given me half a second I would had that jerk on the ground. I’m not as helpless or fragile as you guys think I am.”

Cloud’s smile turned lascivious and Zack felt his heart speed up. “Although, that stuff you said was kinda sweet. I may just have to reward you later.”

Zack started to duck down to kiss him when the blond ducked out of his arms.

Cloud grinned cheekily at him. “But that will have to be after work.”


The End

songfic, my fics, sephiroth/zack/cloud/aeris, cloud, aiy, zack

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