Chaos Theory

Dec 04, 2008 18:09

On Thanksgiving day, I had set our alarm to wake us in time to catch the free continental breakfast at the Comfort Inn where my husband, The Gryphon, and I were staying. I didn't realize that, since the alarm consisted of playing music on the radio, it was thus ineffective when you left the radio on all night in order to soothe a nervous doggie.

Welcome to the Wilson family Thanksgiving. )

dad, friends, pastor's youngest son, emma, holidays, pastor's oldest son, una, family, sister, niece, thanksgiving, gryphon, nephew, photos, pastor, mom

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Comments 6

jenandbronze December 4 2008, 23:41:45 UTC
I enjoyed reading this entry, although ... pix are still too large to load on dial-up *grin*... However, the text was enough for me to imagine all the happenings... I love your niece and nephews... adorable. The niece should learn some simple signs ... She would certainly communicate that way, but at least she was able to gesture what she wanted.


alycewilson December 5 2008, 00:17:04 UTC
Sorry about the pictures. I continue to use Flickr, since it's the most convenient way to share the photos in a range of different Internet applications. I still haven't gotten around to trying PhotoBucket. Maybe after the holidays when I have more time.

I agree that teaching some signs would be a great thing to do with young children, especially while they're young enough to lean. Are there any good resources out there you'd recommend for children?


jenandbronze December 5 2008, 00:25:08 UTC
I can't think of any top of my head. My parents already had the support in place through different services where she was able to learn the sign language to teach me


alycewilson December 5 2008, 01:02:13 UTC
Thanks for the idea, though. I've heard about some parents doing that with children who are just learning to speak. It can add to their ability to communicate, and it's always a skill they can use later.


shinotenshi02 December 5 2008, 03:43:13 UTC
As always, I enjoyed highly your descriptions and the pictures---you sound like you have such a neat family! Also, yay for Una feeling better!

Both my sister and I are lucky to have married men who enjoy cooking. YES...yes you are. (My sweetie does NOt cook.. -_- )


alycewilson December 5 2008, 04:12:02 UTC
Una is a good dog, but she's always been a little nevous about new situations. She's calmed down a lot since obedience class three years ago.

Hopefully, your sweetie has other good qualities that make up for his lack of cooking skills.


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