LJI Week 25: The Snow Throne

Jun 22, 2020 17:54

This is my entry for Week 25 of LJ Idol (therealljidol). The topic this week is "The Catbird's Seat."

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lj idol, lji, memories, brother

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Comments 30

bleodswean June 22 2020, 23:04:07 UTC
Oh, A. This is so perfectly beautiful. These are the magical experiences of a good childhood that will stay with you for the length of your life. This snow throne is such an uniquely specific experience to you and your brother, and yet your gorgeous relaying of it has made a gift of it to the reader.


alycewilson June 22 2020, 23:48:55 UTC
Thank you! I shared it with my brother today, and he was grateful. He said he'd only remembered the failure to complete the snowman and had forgotten that we turned it into a triumph.


adoptedwriter June 23 2020, 13:04:08 UTC

This reminds me of the Blizzard of ‘77 when we built huge “snow people “ and they lasted longer than the snow itself!


alycewilson June 23 2020, 13:49:32 UTC
Fun! How many did you build? I always wanted to make a whole snow family. The most we ever made at one time was three, one by me and each of my siblings.


adoptedwriter June 25 2020, 12:44:09 UTC
I think it was 3 in all. They were huge. Had to use a ladder.


alycewilson June 25 2020, 13:05:39 UTC
A ladder! We hadn't even considered that.


viagra June 23 2020, 13:40:47 UTC
This was so great; you never fail to leave a smile on my face. It brought back memories of my own sister and I making a snowman (during the one time in Georgia that it actually snowed enough to make one). Ours didn't last nearly as long, and sunk back to the ground after probably only a few days, but I was happy to at least be able to say I've had the experience.


alycewilson June 23 2020, 13:48:57 UTC
That's so great! It must have been so special to you, since you weren't used to snow. Glad to bring a smile to your face.


lyssa027 June 23 2020, 17:12:02 UTC
I remember being 9 and we had a huge snowstorm, where I lived in NJ. My brother and dad built an igloo and it lasted until March, even after all the other snow had melted :)


alycewilson June 24 2020, 14:10:17 UTC
Wow! We never built an actual igloo, although someone we knew had a plastic brick mold for making bricks out of snow. I think the most that was ever done with it was to make a barrier to hide behind during snowball battles.


xlovebecomesher June 23 2020, 17:41:50 UTC
Love this :) It brings back memories of playing outside in the snow on snow days where anything is possible to build!


alycewilson June 24 2020, 14:09:22 UTC
Yes! I remember those days well.


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