Safer Stairs

Mar 07, 2011 14:00

Our Kung Fu Panda turns 9 months on Saturday, and we're making his environment safer as it becomes necessary. He discovered the stairs two weeks ago, and has climbed onto the landing and up one step as I shadowed him to "spot" him. He was so excited! However, it's important he doesn't attempt this without supervision, so we knew it was time for a ( Read more... )

kung fu panda, luke, resolutions, gryphon

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Comments 5

shinotenshi02 March 7 2011, 23:29:23 UTC
Poor Luke! I'm sure he'll adapt though, and I suspect once KFP becomes more mobile in general, Luke'll yearn for the days the baby-human stayed relatively in one place! ^^

*sends love to whole family*


alycewilson March 7 2011, 23:40:26 UTC
I think Luke will also be grateful that I've been teaching KFP to "pat" rather than to "grab"!


shinotenshi02 March 8 2011, 00:47:04 UTC
I think he definitely will too! Much better to be 'pet' then grabbed. Give KFP a hug from me, and Luke some extra chin-scritches.


alycewilson March 8 2011, 02:52:46 UTC
I try to give Luke lots of love, because he's a needy little kitty. Every time I don't have a baby in my lap, he wants to get in it!


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alycewilson March 8 2011, 00:20:59 UTC
Well, then that's definitely what we'll do. We found a medicine lock box in a catalog we get, and I was thinking that would be perfect, since we could put it anywhere and it will remain safe. They had a couple other handy-looking safety items I might get, as well.


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