It's a Wrap

Aug 10, 2009 15:24

On Saturday, The Gryphon and I attended the wrap-up meeting for Otakon 2009. This is where we handled business related to this year's convention, and section heads and officers gave their final reports.

Otakon wrap-up meeting and Relations cookout. )

friends, mad hatter, corgi mama, otakon, gryphon, godfather, photos, hellbuny, cosplayer

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Comments 10

aidan2 August 10 2009, 20:13:05 UTC

yeah most of my reports are about that concise. its a habit.

Glad it got a laugh.


alycewilson August 10 2009, 20:27:08 UTC
Everybody loved it! Wish you'd been there to hear it.


aidan2 August 10 2009, 21:20:33 UTC
and i did borrow it, thanks for taking the picture!


alycewilson August 10 2009, 21:46:51 UTC
Sure! Let me know if you need the original.


jvowles August 10 2009, 20:36:57 UTC
Glad you enjoyed the cook-in.


alycewilson August 10 2009, 20:45:10 UTC
*grin* Cook-in, indeed.

What is your gray kitty's name, btw? I combed through your LJ and couldn't find it.


shinotenshi02 August 11 2009, 00:44:39 UTC
This goes back to childhood days, when nothing irked me more than dolls or stuffed animals with their clothes sewn on. I liked to have the option of dressing them in other things, such as clothes I made myself.

I asked the other women present if they had the same habit, and none confessed. But towards the end of the meeting, I heard my name and turned around. The head of Exhibitions pointed to another female staffer, who was holding the "naked" plushie in one hand and the robe in the other. She waved them and smiled. Turns out I'm not alone!

I didn't always undress my plushies, but I did do so to my barbies. And yes, because I did like to have the option, and try to dress 'em in clothes other than what they were wearing already.

Also, you always have such awesome photos of people... ^_^


alycewilson August 11 2009, 01:04:18 UTC
When I played Barbies with my friends, we used to spend the first half hour just putting new outfits on them and doing their hair.

I get awesome pics of people because I take so many of them! Plus, I try to get people in natural moments. Then again, people like Hellbuny make it easy, because he's always willing to be silly for me.


vyxle August 11 2009, 03:14:54 UTC
He has a history with that horsie!

And yup, plushies with their clothes sewn on have always bothered me too. I tend to undress as well!


alycewilson August 11 2009, 03:23:17 UTC
That picture is great. He cracks me up.

One of my favorite plushies ever is a panda plushie in a sheep skin. ^_^ Soo cute! And it's removable!


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