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Comments 4

deirathul February 15 2009, 22:27:46 UTC
You know what? The Bridget Jones in me adores Valentine's Day :___) I keep longing for an anonymous letter or some bullshit like that, I know, I'm terribly sad!

When I used to have a boyfriend I liked it because it gave me another excuse to be drooly and sticky and stuff, heheheh!


alwen7 February 17 2009, 19:35:58 UTC
aww really??? but isn't it silly to confine showing your love just to one particular day? an anonymous letter would be a lot more surprising and more fun on some random day, wouldn't it?


ilwen February 17 2009, 04:41:57 UTC
I agree to 100%. I've always ignored V Day (only sent my Granny a card when she was still alive cos she wouldn't understand) and always will.


alwen7 February 17 2009, 19:37:40 UTC
ist es nicht auch komisch, dass der valentinstag irgendwie von jahr zu jahr "größer" wird? hier in deutschland wurde der doch nie so wirklich gefeiert, bis der ganze hype vor ein paar jahren dann losging, und seitdem nervt das getue immer mehr... :/


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