I can't believe how long it's been

Aug 08, 2013 16:16

You know how the longer you're away from something the harder it is to come back ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

azewewish August 8 2013, 20:26:57 UTC
I've been thinking about you a LOT over the last few months & wondering how you were doing. I think you changed numbers since the last one I have for you, or you probably would have gotten a few texts from me bugging you about how you were.

I'm really sorry about your job - I know how much you loved it - but I'm glad you're getting another chance in another avenue that would also be a good fit for you. And I am SO glad to hear that Will is still sober. And that you're making an effort to take care of YOU for a change. That's amazing & something you should be super proud of.

But mostly, I'm just glad you're okay & posting. :)


alwayseven August 8 2013, 21:15:48 UTC
I have changed my number! I'm sorry I didn't let you know, I would have loved texts from you. (I'm going to message it to you right now, can you text me so I have yours? it never made the switch when I changed phones I guess)

And thank you, it's been a tough learning experience and what I've taken away from it is that things like taking care of yourself are so essential to being adult and holding down a job. I hate that I learned it the hard way though.

Isn't it so wonderful that Will's sober? It's been a long road for him, and he's doing amazing. He just got a job for a car dealership doing customer service which he is so good at.

Thank you for saying something, I love you and I've missed being around.


citibyrd August 8 2013, 23:37:16 UTC
It's so nice to see a post from you! I definitely relate to all of the stuff you said about LJ. I've never been able to get the hang of twitter, and while I enjoy tumblr for the pretty pictures, I hate trying to interact over there, even though I very much miss interacting with fandom in a substantial way. I still check my flist quite regularly even though I only post about once a month these days. I think that's a good plan to just accept that there aren't as many people around these parts anymore, but that journaling here can still be useful/fun. I know I'd love to get into the habit of writing here more often.

I'm so sorry about your job. I know that must have been really hard. I'm glad you've been able to continue with weight watchers and get another job offer since then! Those are very exciting things and I'm really happy for you. The new job sounds great, too.

And good luck with the 20k! That's so cool that you're doing it!!

♥ ♥ ♥


alwayseven August 11 2013, 19:19:11 UTC
Hi Addie, it's so nice of you to comment :)

It's so tough feeling like everyone's moved away, and trying to migrate, but I'm stuck in my ways :/ It is so tough to interact on Tumblr.

I'm trying to get into the habit of writing more as well because even when it's not fandom related, I enjoy writing about what's going on with me, and it's so helpful.

Thank you, things have always had a strange way of working out, I've been very fortunate. The new job is very cool, actually. So the Hopkins Center has all these amazing performances and I get to sell tickets to the shows and interact with members and patrons. I've worked one day and I already love it.

I'm terrified of the 20k but I know I'll feel amazing (if mostly dead) when I'm done.


loveflyfree August 9 2013, 01:31:32 UTC
hey there darlin'. I've missed you. I'm terrible about posting as well, but like you check LJ almost every day still. (also I see you on facebook but am super terrible about commenting there because I hate facebook and only have it for pictures of my family.) anyway! *glomps*


alwayseven August 11 2013, 19:20:30 UTC
REGINA! I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering how to find you. Are you on Twitter or Tumblr? Let's be friends if you are!

Big hugs, thanks for saying hi :) I've missed you.


loveflyfree August 12 2013, 03:20:21 UTC
I'm letthisloveflyfree on tumblr. be prepared for a lot of Teen Wolf. I'm on twitter (@loveflyfree) but I'm terrible about using it. <3333


alwayseven August 12 2013, 03:56:27 UTC
Excellent, I'm into Teen Wolf and I'm a pretty big fan of Dylan and Tyler Posey's friendship.


winterweathered August 9 2013, 08:54:56 UTC
So glad things seem to be taking a turn for the better. I think of you often! xx


alwayseven August 11 2013, 19:21:02 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad to see you here, Ive missed knowing how you are. Thanks for saying hi :)


winterweathered August 20 2013, 08:28:09 UTC
I'm always around reading. I just don't have that much to say anymore! Haha.


foxxcub August 9 2013, 16:46:27 UTC
Thanks for the update, darling. ♥


alwayseven August 11 2013, 19:21:14 UTC
Thank YOU! <3


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