Title: Floating, or: A story of Fail
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters/Pairings: Amy Pond
Rating: G
Note: I completely messed up the background and not even a ton of filters could make it look alright again. And since nothing of my hard work with oil pastels would have been seen in the end, I just created a new layer in GIMP and filled it with some random blue colour, end of story. Here's a walkthrough, ironically for a picture that didn't work out in the end. XD
Simple sketch that I actually never intended to finish.
But I was bored and added a few colours, which is harder than one might think, when all you have is a touchpad that refuses to work every now and then and a laptop screen you can't trust.
This is obviously where I should have stopped, but nooo. XD Yeah, I made a few changes and of course the red marker I used for her shirt is now empty, AS ALWAYS. Really, I always happen to choose the one that stops working halfway through the picture.
HAHAHAHA yeah right. Oil pastel and a random filter.
And I'll just call this the final version. The very sketchy and not very clean looking background is a) done on purpose and b) the most I can do with my lacking graphic skills.