Title: My personal Jesus and his personal saviour, or at least two and a half reasons why I'm going to hell
Characters/Pairings: Rea Garvey, Xavier Naidoo, and the combination of both of them. obviously.
Rating: PG? "hints" at RPS and drug use XD
Random thoughts: I was going to say that I'm so going to hell, but then again, Rea looks like Jesus here
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Comments 9
You might have killed me with the cute right then and there.
OMG, The shirts. THE SHIRTS. Can we give them to them for real?
but I'm having so much fun with them, so that I'll probably get lots of practise and there'll be a lot more of them some time soon.
OMG YES, they need these shirts! (They probably own them already, but wearing them in public was just a bit too obvious, even for them.)
And yes, THE SHIRTS OMG. Fantastic. And I actually really see them wearing them, especially Rea (guess his Nena Shirt last week was just a preview, haha?) I also spot that XRAY on XAy's jacket, how is that even possible? Fantastic. And wow, awesome job with the beard in the last one!
there'll be a lot more of them some time soon.
Excuse, I need to break out in song and dance now.
Haha, yes, the Nena shirt was what I was thinking of - and let's hope the best is yet to come.
It's all about the details! And XRAY could totally be a brand (of awesomeness), just saying. Oh, and I'm glad you approve of the beard in the last one, that was the one thing I was too content with to not colour the whole thing. :D
Tap dance? Spreading the love. <3
Uhm. .. also.. ja. Das ist ... ein interessantes Pairing! Liebe Tanja, du bekommst Voice of Germany Verbot XD
Aber schöne Bilder :)
(Außerdem gab es da einige ziemlich fragwürdige RPGs, die auch nicht viel besser waren... XD)
Aber danke! :)
Ach komm, Tobias und Nevio waren toll... XDD
UND, weil ich grad drübergestolpert bin: NO WAY, dass du keinen Fasching hast. Ich bin ab 10. Zuhause, da ist bei uns grad Fasnet - und es gibt dann immer einen Musikball, der is am Samstag, den 10.! Du bist hiermit herzlich eingeladen und wenn du kommst, musst du deine Leber schonmal gut vorbereiten. Und deine Tanzschuhe. XD Und wir gehen dann auf Umzüge ;D
OOOH. Moment, am Samstag oder am 10.? (Und warum schon so früh? Ich glaub, die Woche drauf am Freitag hab ich frei... aber ich hab eh noch mal ein paar freie Tage und bin leicht verwirrt.) Leber schonen kööönnte gehen. Vielleicht. XD RICHTIGE Tanzschuhe?)
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