
Oct 09, 2008 20:33

[She's taken to sleeping on the couch as of late, not locking her door, leaving it a crack open. A doesn't really like Halloween, or October, and for some reason, she feels more comfortable leaving her door open a bit ( Read more... )

near, plottage, inner conflict, b, private

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blindly_bitter October 11 2008, 04:51:06 UTC
[Sound of footsteps, then a rather sleepless looking B answers. The effects of the Halloween room are starting to overcome him, it seems. This doesn't stop him from giving A a smile as he opens the door wider, light pouring in to reveal a sleeping Near]



blindly_bitter October 13 2008, 20:25:51 UTC
[He arises, rumages through a small crate and pulls out a bottle of honey] Bear shaped as well. [Hands it too her as if it was glass.]

Now, as to how things are between me and Near, it is okay, but not fine. For as of late I can not lay next to him without wanting to bite him or something of the like. Seeing as I can't sleep anyway, I just watch over him. [Chuckles] Anything else you would like to know?


always_ashes October 13 2008, 21:16:59 UTC
[A grins and takes the honey gingerly.]
You're so nice, B. Thanks.

[She can't help but laugh a bit at that.]
Beyond, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were becoming a vampire or something...!!

[...Wait. The smile fades a bit.]
...Wait a second...
Beyond...maybe one of the rooms...
[She shakes her head. It could happen, sounds stupid, to A anyway.]

I'm just glad to see you again, that's all.
I haven't told Teru that you're back yet, so I haven't seen you as much as I'd like to, that's all.


blindly_bitter October 13 2008, 21:40:38 UTC
I try, for you. [Sincere] You were my first love after all.

...I've considered that possibility. If it does turn out to be so, I'm going to distance myself from Near. If I ended up hurting him...[The look on his face really says it all: He's fallen hard for the boy.]

I'm glad that you've come to visit me, even if to see me wasn't the main reason[Chuckles] Thats fine, I don't think I want him to know I'm here for a while anyway.


always_ashes October 13 2008, 22:03:07 UTC
[She nods, quietly. Part of her still does love B, after all...]
You were mine, and you'll always be important to me.

[She sees that look. Her eyes widen a bit, at first about the room and the look....then she smiles a little bit.]
...You love him, don't you?

Well, you're my best friend. If I ever needed to ask anybody about anything, it'd be you.
Probably best...I think that if he knew you were here, he'd try to kill you....


blindly_bitter October 16 2008, 22:12:59 UTC
[He doesn't know how to answer that. He isn't taken aback, no, he was used to A voicing her thoughts so easily. She had earned that right around him.]

I might.

Well. [Smiles] We'll just have to avoid that scenario, won't we?


always_ashes October 16 2008, 22:15:35 UTC
[She grins a little. She was worried that, her being with Mikami would break B's heart....that he's found another is good for her.]

Well, he likes you, I know that.

[She grins and nods, before sighing a bit.]
I want to go with him...but I don't know if I can live in a world with Kira. And he'd be unhappy back in our world...

I don't know.
[She opens the honey, sticking in one of her fingers before sucking the honey off it.]


blindly_bitter October 17 2008, 23:27:35 UTC
He has made that more than obvious to me as of late. Its sort of funny. [A small glance at the sleeping body of Near.]

An ill-fated destiny.

If something does happen and there is a conflict between myself and Mikami, I can't promise you anything. [He felt that necessary to voice.]

Its all a matter of waiting.


always_ashes October 18 2008, 01:15:15 UTC
[She smiles and laughs a little bit, careful not to wake Near.]
It's still strange to me...seeing him grown up, when I remember him when he was a baby...

Maybe it'd be better if I just stayed here...

All right.
Just...try to avoid conflict...?


blindly_bitter October 18 2008, 15:37:48 UTC
[A mild twitch, and then scratching at the back of his neck. He was trying to hold back to seem as normal as possible for A, but it was too much.]

I remember when he was a baby too. Prone to fits of crying.

...If you do, I'll always be here for you, A.


always_ashes October 18 2008, 17:47:51 UTC
[She looks genuinely worried about the scratching, but says nothing about it...]

He was a cute baby...Mello really liked him when he was little. Strange how things change...

[She nods quietly, smiling at B. Yes, she's still in love with him, just a bit...She goes and gives him a hug.]
You're the best friend I could ever have, B...


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