Doctor Who 9x10 “Face The Raven” and 52nd anniversary

Nov 23, 2015 18:10

Doctor Who 9x10 “Face The Raven”. SPOILERS.

It was a proper episode of Doctor Who. At the show's golden age, it'd be just good but now it means it was one of the best. Thank you, Sarah Dollard, you've passed the test. See you in season 10, I hope.

I was suspisious. I was waiting for a Moffat-style plot twist, last minute trick, something from the Doctor, and I'm so glad I didn't get one*. Because we were told at the very beginning how Clara was supposed to die, but having in mind how 99% of storylines work, we might have assumed - I have - that it was a mislead. So when it actually happens, a countdown that isn't stopped one second before the end, how often does that happen? - it's surprising. Because it shouldn't be it.

And it's a stupid death, really. It's not a sacriface, it's not an unavoidable tragedy; it's a misunderstanding. The Doctor  does take risk all the time, and he survives beause he's the main character. Clara isn't. It was already established that you can't be like the Doctor. You can't be as commited as the Doctor is - or you'll end up like Rose. You can't be as smart as the Doctor is - or you'll end up like Donna. Now the moral is you can't be as reckless as the Doctor is or you'll end up like Clara. Too bad we haven't heard her saying if she regrets anything. Also, I don't have that good feeling that we were always coming to this end with her; but for now I'm satisfied. I'll think of her and her portrayal in seasons 7-9 more when that season is over.

Is "to face the raven" a new way of saying "to die" in Doctor Who fandom?

I really, really liked the idea with the trap street and the tattoo. But one thing - if we hadn't seen the numbers changing, wouldn't it be even more scary? Like with the Angels.

Retcon? Was that a Torchwood reference?

I don't ever want to see that cards again. Please. The Doctor should be able to know what to say to people!

A cliffhanger?! Are you kidding me?! For the first time since I don't know when, I care about the cliffhanger!

*Don't you dare bring her back in the finale, Mr. Moffat! Don't you dare spoil it. Okay, I know you will bring her back for a moment. I'm just being delusional.

I spent yesterday and the day before wearing a fez and listening to smart people talking about Doctor Who (and some other tv shows) but I need some time to write it all down. For now, happy 52nd anniversary, Doctor Who!

doctor who, doctor who series 9

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