
Dec 22, 2011 02:18

I'm pretty much done with LJ if they don't fix these comment pages soon. I can't read fics on these pages with the font and spacing as it is. I literally can't. It hurts my eyes and I can't follow the stories I'm trying to read because I'm so busy trying to just focus on the words. The pages are unreadable. I really hope most of the ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

marilla_pm67 December 22 2011, 07:31:37 UTC
Hey, you are not the only one .... move to DW, crosspost here ... and get a feed to your fictions comms over here ....



altsunthinkable December 22 2011, 18:40:07 UTC
Is it possible to view feeds of LJ communities on DW? That would probably be the best solution for me at this point.


marilla_pm67 December 23 2011, 19:39:13 UTC
yeap you can. If you are watching my reading page over at DW : http://marilla-pm67.dreamwidth.org/read you should see some feeds, there ....



L critic75 December 22 2011, 07:44:50 UTC
LJ staff news had an article on this today. Here is an excerpt from the news:

Comment pages have been redesigned. Share your thoughts on the new comments page design here. As with any new feature, something unexpected may pop up. Please contact support with any bugs you encounter while using the new comment page layout.

and they give a link to get in touch. I hope this helps.


Re: L altsunthinkable December 22 2011, 18:35:28 UTC
Unfortunately, not liking the new design is not a bug. And LJ's new owner has basically told anyone who doesn't like his new design to shove it. They've had thousands upon thousands of angry comments and they say they're "listening" or "taking them under consideration" but I will pretty much die of shock if anything is actually done about it. LJ doesn't give a flying fuck (excuse my language) about its users and I honestly believe they are happy a lot of people are angry about the changes because they want a certain segment of users to leave the site.


caitlin December 22 2011, 18:02:25 UTC
I think there is a way to view comments in your Friends Page style.

Go to: Manage Account, My Account Settings, Display, the Comment Settings line, and make sure the box is checked.

"View comment pages from my Friends page in my own style"

I originally had it in "default" style but I think I like reading them in the style of my Friends page... especially in light of the newest changes.


altsunthinkable December 22 2011, 18:39:04 UTC
I've tried this and it works only to a point. There are still entries that I go to that are in the default style and any fic posted in an entry like that is unreadable to be due to the font size and lack of margins. And I like being able to see my friends' and communities' pretty layouts which I'll never see again viewing only in my style. But thanks for trying to help.

Actually, the bigger problem for me even than the changes I don't like is LJ's attitude about it. This is pretty much three strikes and you're out for me. This is the third time I can recall off the top of my head that they've made horrible changes to the site, angered nearly all their customers, and basically shrugged and said "deal with it or leave, we don't care."


caitlin December 22 2011, 18:42:05 UTC
Yeah, I think LJ's current management is just doing whatever they want to.

Doesn't really make me any happier either.

I'm on Dreamwidth, too... *shrug* I don't know what to do...


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