Wings vs. Blackhawks

Mar 29, 2011 09:46

So I went to the Wings game last night with a bunch of family. My mom bought tickets for herself, my aunt, uncle, cousins, plus my husband and me. We had a really good time. We were split in allegiances. Four Wings fans, three Hawks fans, and one independent (well, my cousin L's husband is really a Boston fan but was neutral last night). My ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

crownroyal_51 March 29 2011, 14:35:33 UTC
Glad to hear that you had such a good time even though they lost. And it kinda figured that Hossa would get the game winner. That's what tends to happen when you ride a guy like that, he'll burn you in the end. I only caught the 3rd period of the game but it seemed like it had a playoff feel to it. Very intense.


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