Through The Motion - 1sentence Challenge

Jul 22, 2009 22:12

Title: Through the Motion
Rating: K
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: Byakuya X Renji

A/N: 50 sentences of byaren for 1 sentence challenge. Set Epilson. Byaren is the first yaoi pair I ever wrote and it feels real good to write them again =) It's like coming home.

Through the Motion

01-   Motion

When Renji went on missions to the real world, Byakuya felt like he was simply going through the motions of life rather than living it.

02-   Cool

Renji hated that cool facade of Byakuya which was why he tried every single mean and way to tear it down.

03-   Young

Renji’s passion over everything reminded Byakuya of himself when he was younger.

04-   Last

Renji dated many people before - but he never wanted a relationship to last as badly as his current one with Byakuya.

05-   Wrong

Byakuya could not stop himself from loving Renji although he knew that the relationship was wrong from the beginning and he would never be able to get the Kuchiki council to recognize them.

06-   Gentle

Byakuya never knew that Renji’s calloused fingers could feel so gentle against his own skin.

07-   One

It didn’t matter where they were physically as long as their hearts were one.

08-   Thousand

Thousands of fanboys and girls could worship Renji for all they wanted, but he only loved and wanted to be with the Kuchiki heir.

09-   King

Byakuya was the King of the Kuchiki household, but Renji reigned over his heart

10-   Learn

Byakuya was a genius who had perfect scores back at the academy and thus he couldn’t understand why he had such a hard time learning how to love again.

11-   Blur

Their beginning was a blur, but what mattered was that they were sure of their love for each other.

12-   Wait

Because soul reapers did not die unless they were killed, Renji knew that he could wait lifetimes for Byakuya to begin to begin to requite his love.

13-   Change

Both of them were opposites but yet they did want each other to change.

14-   Command

There was always something sweet about the times when Renji had to relay his captain’s commands to the sixth division probably because it was Byakuya’s commands.

15-   Hold

Byakuya was a man of few words but when he held Renji in his arms, it spoke more than words could say.

16-   Need

Staring at Byakuya’s empty desk, Renji realized that he didn’t only want him around, he needed him to complete his day.

17-   Vision

Renji never planned for his future - because Byakuya was the best vision anyone could have.

18-   Attention

When Renji came showing off about his new Bankai moves, Byakuya knew that all he was simply seeking attention from him

19-   Soul

As Renji sent another soul on earth to Soul Society, he wondered how Byakuya’s life would have been like when he was living.

20-   Picture

The day Renji and Byakuya married was the first time Renji saw the picture of Hisana.

21-   Fool

“I must been a fool not to realize that I had expressed my love for you but trying to surpass you all along,”

22-   Mad

The maids in the Kuchiki manor thought Byakuya was mad when he decided to order red futons.

23-   Child

Byakuya rejected Renji’s pleas to adopt a child stating calmly that Renji already behaved like one.

24-   Now

Renji did not want to buy any of Byakuya’s reasonings on why they shouldn’t get together because he wanted him now.

25-   Shadow

Renji was sick of being shadowed over by Captain Kuchiki but when he finally became the captain of the fifth division he missed the intimacy of being Byakuya’s shadow.

26-   Goodbye

Renji was geninuely shocked when his captain sent him off and said goodbye to him before his first mission to the real world.

27-   Hide

The six division vice captain loved so passionately that he rendered his captain nowhere to hide  from his love.

28-   Fortune

Rukia thought his brother would die a bachelor if not for the fortunate intrusion by Renji.

29-   Safe

In the midst of the fighting and killing, Renji knew that safest place was in Byakuya’s arms.

30-   Ghost

Renji got the shock of his life when he saw a white ghost-like figure walking along the lake only to realize that it was only Byakuya in a white flowy yukata.

31-   Book

The only reason why Renji read the book published by the Shinigami Women’s Society was because it included Byakuya’s rare childhood photos (provided by Yourichi) for fangirls to swoon at.

32-   Eye

‘Renji, quit eyeing me and get back to your reports,”

33-   Never

Renji decided to pursue the unattainable Kuchiki simply because never was not a word in his dictionary.

34-   Sing

Renji never thought someone so incapable in portraying his emotions could sing so well.

35-   Sudden

Renji never understood why nothing - no matter how sudden they were-  fazed Byakuya but he realized that that’s what he loved the Kuchiki for.

36-   Stop

Byakuya’s life had stopped after Hisana died, but started again when Renji entered.

37-   Time

Renji had no sense of time, which was why Byakuya had to pick him up from his house everytime they went out so that he would not be late.

38-   Wash

Renji had refused to wash his clothes that day because of Byakuya’s lingering scents on it.

39-   Torn

When Byakuya was torn between following the rules and saving Rukia, Renji took sides as though hinting to him what he should choose.

40-   History

Renji never liked history until he realized that the Kuchiki family was in charge of keeping the archives of Soul Society so he began to read up to impress the heir.

41-   Power

Power corrupts, which was why he needed Renji to keep him grounded.

42-   Bother

No matter how trivial the matter was, Byakuya never found Renji’s visits to his office a bother.

43-   God

Shinigami was loosely translated as death gods, but Renji and Byakuya loved like humans did.

44-   Wall

“Don’t worry Renji, the walls in the Kuchiki manor are sound proof,”

45-   Naked

Byakuya hated how Renji’s half naked body turned him on all the time during their duels.

46-   Drive

On a real world mission, Renji drove Byakuya around on a Merz as his chauffeur and when they went back , Byakuya found himself wondering if he could get a car and make Renji drive him around in Soul Society itself.

47-   Harm

There were two people that Byakuya would never allow them to come into harm - one of them was Rukia, the other was Renji.

48-   Precious

Byakuya rarely bought gifts for Renji which was why the sand coat he gave to Renji before he went to Hueco Mundo was so precious to him.

49-   Hunger

Byakuya never knew a person could hunger for another person’s touch so much.

50-   Believe

Byakuya  didn’t know how Renji would survive a fight against an espada, he just believed that the red hair would.

type: fanfic

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