FAQs / Rules - Last Update: August 11, 2007

Jun 14, 2007 12:22

How do I sign up?
            Once you’ve decided on your cast of characters and your film/etc., go to this post. The format for staking your claim is on that page. Preferably no two people will be writing the same mix, but I will not stop anyone from doing so.

What if I want to sign up after August 31?
            Please leave a comment if you are interested and we’ll talk it out. Given that the posting dates are pretty flexible, likely we’ll be able to work something out.

Can I co-write?
        Yes! You are more than welcome to make a claim with another author and cowrite your fic.

How long does the fic have to be?
            Since the point is to set your characters into an alternate universe of another storyline, this is not the place for drabbles. While there is not a maximum word count, I would think that at least 2,000 words would be an appropriate expectation.

What's the limitation on fic rating?
    None. Anything from "all"/general to adults-only.

Do I have to follow the plot exactly? Do I have to use the original script dialogue?
            Absolutely not. In fact that idea is to use the film/etc. you choose as a basis for your fic. If you want to include particular quotes from the original, feel free. But overall what you should be doing is shaping the story as your own.
            You do not have to cover every scene of the original storyline. Capturing the major plot points is something you probably want to do, but you can tweak them as you like. Maybe instead of someone dying, they’re badly injured but will recover, meaning a slightly happier ending for your characters. Maybe your cast doesn’t fill all the roles of the original plot, that’s fine.
            Use your film/etc. storyline as a guide for your writing, don’t let it bind you or limit your creativity.

Aren’t you talking about crossover fanfic?
            In my opinion, no. A crossover to me means that characters from multiple fandoms interact. In anime fandom, way back when I immersed myself there, there was the term “fusion” which meant setting characters of one fandom in another universe. Basically what we’re talking about for this ficathon is AU.

Can I write a crossover?
            Yes! Want to set your characters in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and include Puck? Go ahead! Want to place characters from CSI New York and Law & Order in The Negotiator? Go ahead!

What if I only want to use a few characters from my fandom and not the full cast?
            No problem! While it’s always fun to see the entire cast show up in some way, you are not required to account for everyone. Feel free to just write your pairing in the new setting.

What if I want to put my characters in the setting of a TV series?
            So you want to put the cast of CSI in the roles of Firefly? That can work. The reason I didn’t initially list television shows as an option is because I’d prefer to see completed fics posted. However, you are more than welcome to take the general idea of something like Firefly and cover major plot points in a story.

When can I start posting my story?
          I'd like you to not post the story until it's completed. The beginning "official" posting date is January of the new year. However, you may post early. You are restricted to only posting to this community. You may link to your story post here from your personal/writing journal or wherever else, but please just post the story here. When the new year comes, you can post wherever you please in addition to the comm.

Why doesn't my post show up right away?
          I have the comm posting set on moderated postings until the doors open for full posting. I'll get to letting things go through asap. Usually pretty quick since I'm usually on my computer daily.

What do I need to include when posting my fic?
          Headings, at least the title, claim, and rating, should be above a LJ-cut. Story content itself should be within a LJ-cut. Questions on how to do this? Let me know. The heading info that I recommend goes as follows:
  • Title
  • Author
  • Rating (use standard ones or generalized "all, teen, mature, adults only" )
  • Fandom/claim
  • Pairings (if any)
  • Summary (or brief preview)

What about for those who are no longer comfortable posting fiction of a mature/adult nature on livejournal, due to the recent problems over the last several months?
    Then, it's okay to put the heading information in a post here and link elsewhere. Please, however, no friends-locking or password protection. It's a hassle I'm hoping we don't have to deal with. If you need an alternative place to host your fic, let me know because I have space on my domain.

How can I help?   See this post.
If you have additional questions or need clarification, please leave a comment and I will do my best to answer ASAP!

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