Title: Watashi wa… Akuma desu (20/?)
Author: Yin-chan
Pairing: HSB / OC, Inootome
Rating: PG - 13
Genre: Humor
Summary: These boys are out to cheat girls' feelings...but are they that bad?
Chapter Summary: Daiki's plan has taken place, the Akumas has places a warrant on Megumi...
And something terrible happpened for the Akumas...
H/N: Ok, finally, I'
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Comments 31
i wanna cry! Y_Y
yabu..poor yabu..he was restraining himself to Ayame.
because of Takaki.. Ayame is right for him!!
poor megumi. he was hated by everyone now,.
oh! what is daiki's plan?? i mconfused.xD
waah. takaki was busted!~megumi found out that he is yu-kun! waaah! what's gonna happen??
Geez! Erika Toda is soo mean~! lol
she should not be in the story!lol.
Awwwwww.. takaki cried~!!
the Akumas are breaking~! No0o0~!!
This is not happening~!!!
This can't be!
ITs all because of their egos and status.LOLxDD
daiki's plan... is to bring that girl down~ i don't think i've made that point very clear~ i'm sorry~>.<
haha~ yes the Akumas are falling apart now~>.<
*dont kill me~*
oh~ i see.. daiki will bring her down..cool..uhm it's ok..^^ don't worry..
waaaah~~ n0o0o0o0o~!
Akumas can't be brokEn!
[if stares could kill......]
Akumas are BAKAS...>.
Megumi found out that Takaki ish the uber kind Yu-kunn that she has been communicating with!
AHHH, is Yin still sick or wut??
*and i still havent get to chance to properly chat with alsy!!!!!*
*CRIES ALOT!!!*<--i miss her~~
haha~megu found out abt Takaki~ and she definitely cant believe her eyes~>.<
yes~i'm still sick...TT^TT
this is TERRIBLE~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks for reading~<3
Daiki x Aki seems to flow smoothly, ne? Man, THAT GIRL HAS GUTS!!!! XDDD I hope she can change Daiki...
It's so cute how the Akumas are fighting Megumi. It's sooooo cute!!!! Megumi is just sooo funny... XDDD
Oh no! Megumi finds out who Yu-kun is!!!! YAY! THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD!!!!XDDDDDD
But... But... Akumas are splitting?! D: Oh no!!! Takaki! What the hell are you doing?!?! Yabu... :((
i'm glad that you liked it~^O^
LOL!!! haha~them fighting country girl is cute? haha~ yuppx~ megu sure is funny and brings out the best of the akumas!! ^w^
country girl vs Akumas!*ding ding*
Yabu and Inoo got kicked out of the Akumas~
thanks for reading~<3
even though i was kinda like , " ohhh inoobu <3 " but still ... huwaaaaaaa i hope they will fogive yabu ... *cries*
i really love yabu >< ayame pairing <33 sooo sweet but saaaddd ... and takaki >< megumi too !! when will she confess to takaki that she knew him being yu-kun ??? *curious*
very nice update !! ^^
YESSS.... the Akumas are splitting~TT^TT
LOL!!! you thought of INOOBU!?!? haha!!! XD
i love the yabu x ayame pairing too!!!!!! *hi5!!!*
a pity that alsy's more interested in her inootome moments~
So much angst in this chappy...huwaaaaaaaaaaaaa....
poor Akuma...T___T...
p/s : Why I never see you post your fic in any comm?...Lucky that I already bookmarked your LJ...^__^
hmmm~ about posting fic in any comm... i'll leave for alsy to answer that qn...
haha~you bookmarked her LJ?^O^
sorry for the late updates~cause since alsy and i went to diff schools, we've been really busy and up till now... we haven't had a proper chat!!!!!!*CRIES ALOT!!!!!!!!!!*
thanks for reading~<3
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