Journal/Life reboot

Oct 20, 2009 16:26

So, uh,'s been awhile, hasn't it. I haven't felt much like writing because besides work most of my life seems to consist of calling hospitals and nursing homes these days. Those subjects don't make for the best of journal entries. But there's now major change on the horizon for me and I feel the need to write about it ( Read more... )

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Comments 22

sigma7 October 21 2009, 00:00:32 UTC
Oh, just because surgery is elective doesn't take all the sting out of it -- the day after's going to be more than a little wibbly, believe me -- but I think it's a brave thing to do, especially to make such an assertive change in your life like this, and God, yes, if your f-list can help at all, let us know.

I'm impressed that you're calm. Me, I'd at least be thrilled at the prospect of having two weeks off.


alstaria October 21 2009, 02:58:22 UTC

AS for the being calm at the prospect of two weeks off...well, since the BossMan hasn't been in almost the whole month, I don't have the official word on that yet. It should be fine; everyone at the office has been really supportive so far. I'll probably be less calm as the eventual surgery date approaches.

BTW, icon squee!


docmom October 21 2009, 00:20:10 UTC
Welcome back!

Your surgeon looks like Keith Carradine. :)

Also, are you actually having a laparoscopic bypass? Or a banding? The banding has much less complications. Roux-en-Y bypass causes all sorts of issues with vitamin deficiencies and poor absorption, and I really steer my patients exclusively toward banding. (Not to be too nosy, but really hate to see someone go the true bypass route in this day and age.)

Good luck!


daundelyon October 21 2009, 00:42:12 UTC
Seconded. Granted, I work in a setting where I expect to see the worst case scenario, but it's a pretty bad worst case scenario.


alstaria October 21 2009, 03:07:01 UTC
I really appreciate both of your input, being as you are medical professionals. However, I am going with the actual bypass as opposed to the band for several reasons. 1) Both my primary doc and my bariatric surgeon recommended the roux-en-y over the lap band as there are signs that the band is less effective for weight loss than the band. 2)The band does not show the same dramatic elimination of type II diabetes that the roux-en-y does (one of the major reasons I'm having the surgery) 3) After researching both procedures, their side effects/complictions, and their results, this feels like the right decision for me ( ... )


daundelyon October 21 2009, 03:23:17 UTC
I know you're making an informed decision. I just worry about my friends-it's in my job description somewhere. *hugs*


ladyathenis October 21 2009, 00:36:08 UTC
Good for you, for being back and being brave in going through with this surgery!

Take as much time as you need to recover; there's no rush, IMHO. I recently had a hysterectomy, and took off six weeks from work despite the adverage down time being around four weeks. I didn't want to take any chances of infection happening, y'know?

I look forward to viewing pics of the Incredibly Shrinking Alana!



alstaria October 21 2009, 03:09:14 UTC
Oh wow, where have I been that I didn't know you had surgery?! Hope you're getting back on your feet!

I look forward to those pics too!

BTW, Are you or any of your folks going to be at second weekend of Esco? Renn and I are going to go hang with Santiago's (aka St. Paul's) that weekend.


ladyathenis October 23 2009, 09:48:33 UTC
'Tis okay. I told only a few people, even on here. Guess I'm just weird like that. I've healed very well, but almost tore my big toenail off the day before I was supposed to go back, so I'm (technically) still out. I was wearing my thongs while going out to the recycling bin in the backyard, and my left foot caught the underside of an old treamill that is by the back door. Stupid, rotten, do-da luck. Wouldn't you know it?

I haven't been able to do Faire at all this year due to a conflicting work schedule and lack of funds. Part time works sucks, but it pays the bills, though barely.



yrmencyn October 21 2009, 02:41:45 UTC
I love you. You know I'm still here.


alstaria October 21 2009, 03:09:48 UTC
::hugs:: Thank you! Love you too.


annathepiper October 21 2009, 02:43:08 UTC
Oh wow. Good luck to you on all of this.


alstaria October 21 2009, 03:10:06 UTC


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